Hi all. I have COPD stage 3 and for the last few days have had worsening pains in my legs, thighs and upper arms, as well as feeling more exhausted than normal, and having swollen lower legs/ankles. Could this be a blood pressure problem? I already take Ramipril 10mg capsules along with my other medication.
COPD Associated pains: Hi all. I have... - Lung Conditions C...
COPD Associated pains
Have you been doing anything different to the normal ...make an appointment see your doc...sometimes laying flat and elevating legs may help maybe water retention ..also weather may be a contributing factor UK weather lol hope you get sorted xx
Hi Angie, nothing different lately, in fact I've felt ok ish for a week or so. When I lay flat the swelling in my legs goes down a bit but the pain is back as soon as I get up and about. Trip to the docs I guess - again! Thanks for your reply x
Hope it resolves for you good luck x
Could the swelling in legs and ankles be caused by water retention
Yes it probably is, I'm going to try and get an appointment Monday. Fingers crossed.

Will keep mine crossed for you too
I have had a similar problem the last 12 weeks following an injury to my left leg which became infected. Following the infection my foot and ankle swelled a lot and despite two lots of antibiotics nothing has changed. The Doc and nurses have no remedy except to say lay flat and wear loose socks. I cannot wear most of my shoes. I also have circulation problems as well as COPD and Emphysema and Atrial Fibrillation and I have been on long term steroids all of which could be the cause so I was interested in knowing your experience. It hurts to walk and I do not want to spend he rest of my life lying down wearing loose socks!!
Morning Hallentine47. Sorry to read that you're also having v a few mobility problems and that the doctors are so vague with you. As soon as I find out more (assuming I get some answers) I will let you know how I get on. Loose socks and laying flat sounds like a life of boredom and I'm not ready for that yet either lol. Have a good weekend, Brian
I get leg pains, but I am taking 4 potassium tablets each day. I take furosemide as I get swollen ankles and lower legs, and the tablets are to replace potassium loss. My doctor told me to take a magnesium tablet, and I have found this helps reduce the leg pain.
Hi Tamariki. Sounds similar to me. More tablets? Hopefully there's another solution.
Hi Brisara, I have had COPD for many years but I have never had any of the pains you describe. I think it must be pain due to something other than copd.
Perhaps your medication needs changing or maybe as has been mentioned, it could be circulation problem.
Hi Twopars, I think you may be right, although I have seen leg pain associated with copd through blood pressure imbalances etc. Have to see what my gp says next week. All the best
Hi Brisara..... I suffer from the exact same problem.. They tracked my swelling down as being related to CHF..(congested heart failure) Hope they find what's causing it!!
Hi Sarahem, CHF, hadn't thought of that. I think I need to get a list of questions together for my gp!

Yes, Brisara that would probably be a great idea. I write things down on a daily basis because of my short term memory loss.. If I want to remember something later that day or the tomorrow I have to write it down.. Just awful.. Hopefully you'll get to the bottom of your problem at your visit with doctor.. Sending vibes your way for quick diagnose...
Quick update for those who asked. Been to the GP, she thinks it's Congestive Heart Failure, so they've taken bloods to test everything. Time to play the waiting game again.