Must tell you this it was only when I messaged Bernadette I remembered how I forgot I don't know you know the kind of week I've had Well it could have been my last post the ambulance men took me into cubicle without oxygen nurse came along said won't be a minute frank arrived he had followed in the car I got my oxi meter out to check sats low 70s they had forgot to turn the oxygen on so Frank had to find someone to plumb me in then move car to late 50 parking ticket you couldn't make it up could you x
A&e post script : Must tell you this it... - Lung Conditions C...
A&e post script

I think its disgusting parking charges at a hospital. We had free parking for 15 years then we joined the hospital up the road and became a trust with a board of members they introduced parking £2.00 per day at first now its nearly that per hour. I would not object but the hospital only get 35% the other 65% goes to the fat cat parking company makes my blood boil.Every winter the ticket machines would break down due to water getting in they would sit in the heated cabin and blame the hospital

How disgusting Frank getting a £50 parking ticket. Hospital parking I'd bad enough the amount they charge, but to get a ticket is an Bernadette
Car parking used to be free here at one time, now it costs me £1.50 just to park and get a blood test done.
The staff have to pay too, and they earn little enough as it is.
So sorry about the fine, can you appeal?
I think he is going to look into it but don't hold out much hope the way our luck is going take care
Would there be any mileage in contacting PALS? I had written about my experience before I read yours, and I was able to get the ward sister to fill in an exemption form. I had paid for two hours but they obviously have a variety of different reasons for patients to overstay.
I feel there is another hurdle to climb
Yes. Things have been so dreadful for you. Increasingly it seems patients have to take the indicative and it is so exhausting on top of our conditions.
Is Frank a good fighter on your behalf?
He does try his best but neither of us are controversial,people and we have found ourself in a position in which we seem to have no control everything seems to be spiralling out of control simple things needl lots of planning and basic needs can cause distress for instance going to the toilet when I was in hospital when asking to use the bathroom had to wait until someone had time to get me the oxygen makes you feel so helpless and when at one point I was going to be admitted that is what was going through my head
Please check what it says on the rules and regs board for your parking. At my local hospital, they have disabled bays which are free if you display the blue plate. If all the disabled bays are full the nearest empty one can be accepted as a disabled bay, so free as well.
Good luck.