Forgive me for the title of my post - but that's how I feel!
I am physically much better now than I have been for the past two years but I cannot motivate myself to do much, except go on the computer.
I got a bit fired up to have a go at my watercolours at the weekend, but was so disappointed with the result that I don't want to try again anytime soon.
I got some wool to knit a little baby cardigan to get me back in the groove but have knitted it and now can't be bothered to stitch it up!
I have loads of fabric waiting to be sewn into something, but I can't think what to sew.
I keep trying to remember what I filled my time with before I became so run down with asthma, COPD and bronchiectasis exacerbations but I just don't know how to fill my time.
I wake up with great intentions but get breathless when I start doing stuff and then I think, 'Why bother!'
Yes, I need a kick up the bum - who wants to be first in line?
xx Moy