Sorry for my misspellings it should have read i have been diagnosed with c.o.p d for the last 6years (not cold) what a start to my first post.not wishing to make excuses for myself i am writing this very late at night when i am usually sleeping π
Hello there I am new: Sorry for my... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello there I am new

Welcome Dove. Please don't worry about mistakes in your posting. Often enough it's caused by predictive texting, which always turns copd into cold! Please do post any questions you have or join in in any way you want to
Thank-you for the welcome i came upon this forum last night and found it interesting to hear how other people manage their illnesses. I have been well for a while but since coming back from holidays in January l can't shake off a very bad cough.l have seen respiratory nurse who is really good and so back on predisalon.
Welcome Dave. I also have just been diagnosed COPD. You've joined the right group. Everyone is so supportive, open in their discussions. I have found out a lot about this illness on here. Before, I was googling information. Found that daunting, so much medical terms I don't understand. You can ask any questions, there's always someone ready to help. Looking forward to seeing your post Dave. SONIA
Hello Dove37 . Welcome. Please don't worry about spelling. It is so lovely to have you here. Hoping to hear more about you soon.
Cas xx π·
Hello and welcome. I'm sure that you'll benefit greatly from being part of this great community and I look forward to hearing more from you soon. Take care. Pam XXX
Hi Dove, welcome to the site. Don't worry about mistakes I'm always making them on computer. Can cope early in the morning but appreciate what you are saying about later in the night. Enjoy your weekend hope to speak to you again soon.
This is a brilliant forum. You will get information, help advice but above all care, concern, and support.
Welcome and the mis-spelling is not a problem we all knew what you meant. Hope you get some good advice and support from the many people in this group.
Hi Dove 37 welcome this is the best forum ever, ask away for any information you require always people ready to help I found it very supportive you realise your not alone. Hope to hear from you soon
Love Sue
Welcome, Dove; I hope today finds you as well as possible. Albert.
No comments please
Welcome Dove, everyone is fabulous on here. Not been on for a while. Been quite ill. You will get lots of support xxx
Hello Dove and a warm welcome. I look forward to hearing a little more about you, and I hope you sleep better tonight! Sue x
Thank-you everyone for taking the time to reply much appreciated
welcome Dove! love you name.