all a bit new the worlds spinning a bit fast holding on want time with people that own that feeling
hello i am new here: all a bit new the... - Lung Conditions C...
hello i am new here
hi im a newbie too got diognosed last week with mild copd,,what have you got,x
was only moderate copd shadow showed 3cm mas lung cancer finished chemo waiting more tests
For extra support call the BLF helpline they are very kind and helpful, stay strong everyone on here is supportive for you just reach out with your feelings someone always replies x
ho osc.
im new here as well, i think this is the best thing you did in joining this forum, im quite sure you will get all the support you need, and all answers to questions, i have never saw so many great and understanding people before, chin up osc. ,,, jw.
hellllloooo, I am newbie too. This whole lung thing does make one feel very isolated, depressed and it is scary. I do need others like myself fighting the same is a battle. The more understanding I get of how this disease works to weaken my body, the more I can do to slow it's progression and have better days....I'm working on the "can do" part. love the brits
Hi socalgal. Welcome. What people do to get more understanding is to get referred to a pulmonary nurse team, Nurses are down to earth and seem to know what makes us, the patients, tick. They can refer you to a physio, to a counsellor, to pulmonary rehab, which is a group to assess you, explain things and drugs and test your capacity AND set you on gentle exercises which will make you feel better. Ask your GP to refer you to a pulmonary nurse team. Best regards.
any question that troubles you ask the BLF helpline 03000 030 555. They are qualified people to answer your question weekdays from 10 till 1 pm.
thank you, helingmic I guess I should mention that I reside in the USA, California (west coast). Our health care in the US is really a mess.....I fortunately have health care I pay for every month...and not yet effected by what our wonderful Pres. has created (joking of course). It works like this, here; I get appt. with my gp...then she sets up an appt. with a specialist, (about a month later)...then the pulmonary tech gives the blowing test thing-a-ma-jig...they tell you your gp will call with the results... that's priddy much it. nothing more offered.....we're just like cattle here "MOV'EM IN MOV'EM OUT, YEE HAW". Nurse team...sounds nice. I'm not complaining I feel sympathetic to others here that lost their primary care doctor and their health insurance because of Obumacare. It can't get worse....but I foresee something coming down the pike, shortly. It's 8:53 am and I WILL get up and moving....have a beautiful day and breathe. love the brits.
I've looked on a few American sites but never found one as friendly and helpful as this one. Welcome.
thanks, you're right, I have been to some of those sites, I did not join, just observed. This site is awesome. Friendly americans...hmm is that an oxymoron...tee hee. Their are some friendly folk in USA I just haven't found any yet....teeeeeeeeee heeeeee . not really. love the brits
Hi and welcome Oscillater and socalgal.
Hello socalgal, No do not apologise - singing is good for the lungs. Jacky Paper would approve
Oh how you have come to the right place for support and answers to your questions. These members are brilliant - they know everything there is to know about anything connected with your lungs. I am quite new here too and am so glad I found Health Unlocked. Nothing seems scary any more and you are not alone when you can get reassurance and encouragement from such smashing people.
Welcome to all you newbies. Nice to see more people coming onto the site. Cheryl
Welcome all you New Kids on the Block!!
Won't find a better site than this one for good, honest advice.
Welcome again x
Hi Oscillater
I'd like to say welcome. You've come to the right place to talk over your worries.
There's always someone here to listen.
hi been reading all welcomes makes me happier less frightened thanks
I am new here also. I started reading your Q & A's and felt like I had found friends. COPD diagnosed four years ago during chemo for breast ca, no previous lung problems. My life has kind of flipped (I was working RN) upside down. Gone from working, riding a bike, walking, to just barely getting around. I find it very frustrating as I am sure you do too. It is good to hear from others with the same problems.
Hallo & welcome to you & all newbies! You've found the right place! Everyone is very helpful & supportive here,enjoy...