Water drops on a rose petal reflecting the flowers behind them. Taken with 150mm macro lens.
Just popped in to say hello and hope you're all as well as you can be.
Love from Lyn xxx
Water drops on a rose petal reflecting the flowers behind them. Taken with 150mm macro lens.
Just popped in to say hello and hope you're all as well as you can be.
Love from Lyn xxx
Isn't nature wonderful. Hello Jolyn glad to hear you are fit and well. 😊 Bernadette xx
Such a delicate picture jolyn, after reading about vashti ( such sad news )they look like teardrops to me now, natures crying eyes, beautiful xx sonia xx
Such sad news about Vashti ... I was shocked when I read the post.
I posted a water drop album on a photography site a few years ago and called it Natures tears. Yes, they look like small tears don't they.
Bless you for that lovely photo for Dozy. Hope you are well and nice to see you.
We sadly lost dear vashti today.
Take care Lyn and stay in touch. Xxxx
How wonderful to see one of your wonderful photos Jolyn, you have been missed xxx
Hiya Gaham ... thank you kindly and yes I'm fine thank you. I hope you are too.
Lovely, thank you Jolyn
Thank you thank you. It''s beautifull and and when I stop scampering all over it I will read and just gaze. You really are a star in my world xx.
Hi Lynn, nice to see you and the picture. Lovely bright colours for those with lower sight levels xx
Good morning Katie and thank you kindly ... I hope you're keeping well. xxx
Not having a good time this year, but I know I will get through, it never rains but what it pours
Aww I'm sorry to hear that Katie ... come 'ere give us a hug. {{{HUG}}} I hope things settle down soon hon. xxx
Thank you Jolyn.......a fitting tribute to Vashti.
I hope your swans are doing well, and you are still taking photos of them
Best wishes
Gooooood morning knitter and thank you. The swans are slowly being chased away now by their parents and it's sad to watch. That's Nature though! Three flown off and three still hanging in there. lol. Heavens, they have to go soon as the parents will be nesting again next month
That's beautiful, Lyn. So simple . . . And so pure. Hope you're looking after yourself, Sue xxx
Thank you Sue ... I hope you're keeping well yourself. xxx
Beautiful picture Lyn and so good to see you!😀 xxx
beautiful thank you xx
Nice to hear from you again and hope all is well in your life.
I have just seen your photo and it is beautiful, we do miss seeing them, to me they were a lovely start to the day.
The photos and your words to me helped me a great deal.
Iwould like to think we could look forward to seeing some posted here.
Hoping all is well with you, love and hugs.
Etch45 xxx🦋🦋