This lent, why not consider more than chocolate and sweets.
Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism and a brighter tomorrow
Fast from worry; feast on truth and positivity
Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation and blessings
Fast from stress; feast on self-care and healing
Fast from hostility; feast on letting go and forgetting
Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness
Fast from selfishness; feast on compassion for others
Fast on thoughts of illness; feast on the healing power of God and the universe
Fast from discouragement; feast on seeing the good
Fast from apathy; feast on enthusiasm
Fast from suspicion; feast on seeing the good in others and their actions
Fast from idle gossip; feast on spreading good news and hope
Fast from being so busy; feast on quiet silence and mindfulness
Fast from talking; feat on listening
Fast from trying to be in control; feast on letting go
Fast from the mobile phone, Tablet and PC; feast on those who are around you
And for those who have religion, or would like to find it. Loving God, let us fast from anything that leads us away from you, teach us to feast on all that brings us closer to you and your healing Love. Amen