My Dad has been on oxygen 24/7 for 5 months. Yesterday he tripped over his oxygen tubing as he was walking in the house. He has very swollen feet and cannot feel the tubes when they wrap around his feet. He wasn't hurt but needed help to get up. Does anyone know a clever way to manage these tubes so he is less likely to fall over them?
fall over long oxygen tubes - Lung Conditions C...
fall over long oxygen tubes

If you put 'safe oxygen tubing' in the search bar you may find other members solutions. You can also speak to his O2 supplier to see if they'll help
I wonder if holding the tubing when walking would remind him to watch for it x
Hello tchouliI am on oxygen 24/7, I kept tripping over it, its dangerous. I phoned my oxygen assessment team at the hospital ( the ones that send oxygen prescription to BOC or whomever) they can out and put a machine on the wall that you can turn one way for upstairs oxygen ie sleeping overnight etc, and the other way for downstairs it can be tacked to the door frame so nothing is on the floor. If you tell them about falling over they will do it.
Is his oxygen tubing connected to a concentrator or to a bottle of oxygen ?