When i was in hospital in feb i was told i had ESBL due to vast amounts of antibiotics from 2013. I am allergic to penicillin, Doxycycline, & a few others. The ones when i have to have them are Clarithromycin, Erythromycin. I have been taking Azithromycin three times a week for nearly three years. Does ESBL make these antibiotics (including azithromycin useless of preventing exacerbations) not as preventive as they should be. I have to see the doc on the 7/3/ but i wanted to see what our H.U. family has to say. X
ESBL: When i was in hospital in feb i... - Lung Conditions C...
Good question following!
Hi I don't know what ESBL is but I believe I developed pseudomonas (superbug) because of my lifelong need of antibiotics for my bronchiectasis. I rarely take them now and manage to keep infection-free by taking natural antibiotics, i.e. oil of oregano, garlic capsules, or colloidal silver. I also follow a healthy diet - no processed foods, no sugar. It's tough but for me it's well worth it.
Hope this helps.
I was very interested in your remedies for natural antibiotics Moodygirl. Could you enlarge on your regimen as I am fed up taking antibiotics for my Bronchiectasis and could do with a break from them. Any information would be appreciated.
Hi Patches2, I did lots of research on natural antibiotics because the only ones I can take now have potentially nasty side effects.
I try to keep as healthy as possible - no sugar for me means no cakes, sweets, biscuits, processed foods.
I take lots of supplements for my immune system - vit c (3000mg), omega 3 fish oil (2000mg), krill oil, vit d, garlic capsules (AllicinMax). Sometimes turmeric, sometimes lactoferrin (a prebiotic).
Oil of oregano is a powerful natural antibiotic which I take if I feel an infection coming on, although it can be taken daily. I also take colloidal silver from time to time.
I nebulise a saline solution every day. This helps me clear out my lungs which is extremely beneficial.
If you need to take antibiotics it's important you follow up with a good probiotic. In fact I have fruit with a big dollop of full fat plain Greek yoghurt each day.
I'm not an expert by any means, but I feel better than I've ever felt. Mind you, I'm sitting here with a runny nose and tickly throat so what do I know? π
Hope this helps. I'm off to dose myself up before it turns into a chest infection.
Many thanks Moodygirl. You seem to be doing ok on what you are taking.
May I ask how much Oregano oil you take and for how long.?
I try to eat healthly, organic when I can afford to, fish oils - more or less what you are taking. No meat, mostly fish. No sugar for the last forty years! I do eat 85% chocolate which probably has a certain amount of sugar in it.! I can't take turmeric because of my stomach and I am in two minds about saline. Sometimes I think it does not agree with me.
Unfortunately, I have an infection since October and am out of hospital two weeks after having spent three weeks on steroids and IV antibiotics and just can't seem to shift the infection. No good going back to the consultant as he will say come in again for another theee week for more antibiotics. I can hear people when I am out and about with the same cough so maybe it will run its course.
My consultant put me on Tobramycin via Nebuliser which is a real pain as it take one hour and ten minutes to take by the time I prepare it and wash/boil the attachments. This is twice a day.
That's my woes for today. Good luck Moodygirl and I would appreciate it if you could tell me how much Oregano oil you take and for how long and what about the silver?
Hi Moodygirl, I found out what ESBL stands for.
It is Extened Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBL). See medic8.com
I looked it up on the search engine and to make a long story short it is bacteria that is resistant to treatments with antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalosporins.
The article is quite long and well worth reading. I don't know how to put up a link unfortunately..
Likewise .. I have Pseudomonas and Broncheictasis. Never sure how much colloidal silver to take? Interesting that you mangage to stay infection free. I seem to have had one after another since last summer. Just out of hospital again now but tested positive for Pseudomonas again last week and on antibiotic prophylaxis. Feeling very good at the moment- but cough is back now so maybe not for long. Would love to kick these antibiotics like Patches. Any info much appreciated. Thanks.
Hi Liz
You may be interested to hear that when I was in hospital I had a Bronchcospy which came back negative for all bugs and sputum tests about Ten times which were also negative. I remember a cosultant telling me thirty or more years ago that the majority of sputum tests come back negative for those with Bronchiectasis. The infection is in there for me.
In my twenties I was as a secretary for a cancer surgeon and he did two biopsies on patient with bowel cancer of which both were negative. Unfortunately, the patient died two weeks later with the cancer. I always remember this when I get a negative result.
Good luck.
Dear patches and Liz
I'm still feeling rubbish today π’, bringing up lots of green stuff but interestingly I'm not actually coughing.
Because I've been feeling so well recently, I've let my guard down. I'm now back on colloidal silver. It can be taken as a maintenance dose - a teaspoon once a day - but for short term immune support you can take 7 teaspoons in a day.
I use it sometimes in my nebuliser, although not to be recommended long term. When I told my chest consultant there was raised eyebrows and much tutting.
I said pseudomonas hadn't shown up in my last 4 samples but he said it doesn't mean it's not there.
I'm also taking oregano oil capsules again. It recommends 2 capsules daily but I might increase that too for a while.
I'm going to increase my garlic capsules & Vit c. It all costs a small fortune!
Do you struggle with sinus problems too? It all seems to go hand in hand. If I feel the need, I do a Neti wash. My OH was tidying up his shed yesterday and came across my facial steamer with sinus attachment. I put some lavender oil in it earlier and it loosened up lots of yuck. I sometimes stick my head over a bowl of water, but it soon goes cold. I going to buy eucalyptus oil when I'm next in town to use in it.
Ladies, I really don't know what I'm doing, it's all trial and error. I'm a constant googler looking for anything that helps, but if I start feeling worse then I'll just have to bite the bullet and take antibiotics.
It's very important to take a good probiotic if you do have to take antibiotics otherwise your immune system will be compromised and you'll end up getting another infection.
Thanks for your post Patches about ESBL. Yet another bug caused by long term antibiotics.