Am into DNA medical ancestry.
Having read LOTs and RESEARCHED a great deal with interest re my DNA.
Did you know if you have bloom syndrome or healthy carrier of cystic fibrosis.
Chances are you have T970m mutation.
BUT as those powers that be think its just autosomal recessive disorder vigilance is not needed.
WELL hate to say it BUT it is KEY guess thats why my lungs are granulomad up.
As medical profession didn't give a hoot as my condition is autosomal recessive.
Bit like the say about Healthy CF carriers and screening.
Or like i say this no such thing AS healthy carrier unless DNA research as been round for few houndred years.
So who knew as i never BUT as my Ashkenazi ancestry as shown me WHY most gov have band DNA companies disclosing SNP related to EGFR and T970m mutations.
And its so SO not on
But as i was reading researching if you have bloom syndrome and or any form of cf you have T970m mutation.
But we cant say out as bloom syndrome and cystic fibrosis are related to Ashkenazi GUESS like most of us are.
Explains a lot.