Im haveing trouble swallowing food any one else has trouble? Im seeing the nurse for spirometer test tommorrow also i put a post on last week my spiromax wasnt working will that have anything to do with it...getting alsorts of problems lately
Copd trouble swallowing: Im haveing... - Lung Conditions C...
Copd trouble swallowing

Could it be mucous causing problems? Pete has trouble because he also has trachea malachia and chokes often when eating. Mention problems to the nurse tomorrow too. Take care xxxxxx
I have the same problem I have copd and find it hard to swollow and I have a dry mouth all the time
My throat is bad at the moment , feeling like broken glass, and coughing really hurts, but I'm on my rescue package because I just have to stop this infection moving down.
Good luck with your Spirometry tomorrow.

Sorry to hear u really bad a think this weather is playing its part too get better soon
I have swallowing problems if I get dehydrated. It has improved now I drink more. Comes back if I forget to drink.
I think a visit to your GP might be the best thing, just to make sure it isn't anything to do with acid reflux. xx
just got out of hospital with same thing. went in with exacerbation and had a spasm swallowing 3 times in 3 days. kept me extra week to investigate, had to get me off clopidogrel in order to do endoscopy. had that done and found a leison on hiatus hernia. dunno what the treatment will be for that but at least i now know what it is and after bland baby food diet can swallow again. legs went into pains at night not much they can do, gave me all pain relief they could and just left to cry all night. wanted me to stay and get that investigated but was sure it was something they had changed in medication so said no would try home and see. had the worst night ever last night, serves me right eh. crying in pain. havent got a clue what it is, should of stayed but after almost 2 weeks and my 70th birthday in there i wanted home. just found some condrosan 400 in my cupboard, says they for osteoarthritis, which i have, will try them.
sorry to waffle, shorter answer, please get it checked out.