I have smoked about 1/2 pack since I was 18. I am 45 now. Singer and was a swimmer. Never had bronchitis till Oct 2016. Diagnosed me with asthma. Ct scan says mild mild emphezima but pft says fev is 113% and pulmonary dr says if I quit smoking now Ill live a long life. How can I have above average lung function but mild emphezima? Fev/fvc. 95% fev 113% fvc 109%
Ct scan says mild emphezima but pft s... - Lung Conditions C...
Ct scan says mild emphezima but pft says 113% lung fucntion?

I should also mention that I also have small areras of alacetits? Small collapses in the lungs??
Early stage emphysema can be seen on CT before it noticeably impacts on lung function - even then people put it down to getting older nad don't seek treatment for many years.
However it is 'in' your numbers - Fev/Fvc 95% predicted is within the normal range; but it's also within the impaired range.
Keep fit, eat healthily, avoid colds (easier said...) QUIT SMOKING NOW - and you'll die of old age
If Atelectasis is the word you're looking for, is usually self righting.
Hi gizzie,
My Spirometry is over 100% but my gas transfer figures are below 70% suggesting a problem with alveòli rather than airways. I am waiting for the results of a ct scan but expect a diagnosis of emphysema.
Hi your lung function was so high because you were a singer and probably coz of the swimming as well. This can push your figures well above the 100% mark. But 95% is still great so you would only have mild copd at worst. This is by no means a death sentence and you can still lead a long and healthy life. Keep up the exercising as this is very beneficial for suffers of lung problems. x
Personally ,, and I stress personally,, I would concentrate on giving up smoking and the dr's words telling you " if you give up now you will live longer " should be the only incentive you need ,I'm age 70 smoked from age 15 to 44 average of 15/20 cigarettes a day ,so if I can give up so can you ,I have bronchiectisis asthma,COPD ,emphasyma, and I go to the gym on average 3 times a week ,and I do approx 1&1/2 klm on treadmill ,5klm on the bike , 3klm on the hand bike and 1000 meters on the rower ,, ,,, so stop smoking ,eat healthy ,exersise and you WILL live longer ,
What is your lung function if you dont mind me asking?
My fev is 76 at the moment ,but 3 moths ago it was down to 63 , I hadn't been able to exersise much last year due to other health problems,that's why my fev dropped ,consultant wanted to try me on oxygen ,but I refused as I knew I could get my fev level back up with increased exersise ( as other health problem was now sorted ) so that's when I went back to the gym but instead of twice a week I went 3/4 times a week ,and my levels went up ,consultant was really pleased ,so the answer to better health and longer and more fulfilled life is simple,
I'm now 42 and was diagnosed at 40 with emphysema, smoked since I was 17... I had a chest x-ray during a ER visit unrelated to breathing and it showed mildly hyperinflated lungs so my MD referred me to a pulmonary doctor due to my concerns, not his. The new doctor ordered a CT/PFT test, CT showed moderate emphysema primarily in the paraseptal areas but my PFT I think was close to normal at the time of diagnosis but there are other numbers in the PFT, my spirometry report showed FEV1/FVC Pred 77.35 Pre 79.05 and %Pred 102 and FVC 101 not sure how these numbers are calculated? The bottom of my report in the comments stated: No post test done, FVC & fev1 80% or greater which is very confusing considering my primary doctor went by the 79.05 so I guess they look at more than just certain numbers on the reports as well as the CT scan to make the diagnosis. I suppose Emphysema effects people differently and many factors come into play like environmental, genetics, activity levels, diet ect... Very good question
I have zero shortness of breath. And I am gonna keep it that way thanks for the input!