,family coming to us tomorrow for a buffet lunch / tea,,,,,so I just need to hang on to my health a little bit longer ,,,so I can entertain them and prepare a lovely tea, ,, I think a chest infection is lingering around me the last couple of days ,,,so hoping it doesnt develop any more overnight,,,,,I've done well so far over the Christmas period ,, ,
Hang on for another couple of days - Lung Conditions C...
Hang on for another couple of days

Do hang on Nanny! Good luck. Xxxxx
Hang on in there nanny. Just one more day and then you can be a couch potato for as long as it takes you to recover.

would love to find out about my family,just don't know where to startxx
Oh Georgina, I do hope you're not coming down with an infection. Hope you have a great day with your family tomorrow but don't overtire yourself.
I'm sure everyone will lend a hand tidying up! Have fun! ππ
I'm sitting here saying that can go in the oven now ,, you need to plate that up , you need to ,,, I'm sure hubby will turn round and say ,, and you can,,,, , haha,,,bet bungalow boy would ,,, haha,
I hope you don't get another infection , hope you have a good time with the family tomorrow , I expect poor Eddie will be rushed of his feet tomorrow getting everything ready .
Thanks Malcom but sadly the infection has arrived ,,too late to send in a sample for testing so started standbys ,, ,,,,so yes hubby is being very helpful ,,,( so he can watch the football match tonight no doubt ) haha ,,
oh no hope the pills work quickly for you , I hate football ,
Thanks ,, me to but being married to a Geordie means football , , can't really complain ,he looks after me and I always get a cup of teat at half time ,
not a can of Newcastle brown ale then he must be a part time Geordie
Haha back in the day yes he enjoyed his Newcastle brown ale ,,,but the last few years he's Tee total,,,,needless to say I'm not ,