i am worried fore My copd i also have astma and emphysen
i have emphysen i both My lungs. i ha... - Lung Conditions C...
i have emphysen i both My lungs. i have never smoked

Hi tarjapettersson and welcome! COPD is very worrisome, but there is so much you can do. Do you have a pulmonary Dr? Talk to him /her about Pulmonary Rehabilitation, take your medicine exactly as you're suppose to, drink lots of water eat healthy and visit this forum often. There is much more and you'll learn something new everyday, but don't despair- try to keep a positive attitude.
Krysta 😊
sorry about the smoking statement, I'm so use to saying that.
PS I want to ask a favor of you. When you post something could you please choose members only can see what you are posting. I say this so you will get more answers as there are many on here who are more comfortable with answering if they know the whole internet can't see what they wrote. Believe me there are plenty who know far more than I do.😉
Hi nice to meet you. I have heard around 15% of copd sufferers have never smoked, so it's not purely a smoking disease. Grannyk3 has given you some excellent advice. One other thing I will add is not to google indiscriminantly as you will scare yourself silly. Stick to recognised sites like this one and if in the UK the NHS one. x
Are you sure you have emphasima?? When were you diagnosed? Miners got it from pits, an you sure as hell don't look like miner!!! Smoking gives it too!!! Hope you get all the help and support you can find!! I feel for you as you look soo young to have that horrid illness!!!🌹😌😂
ithanks fore you replay. ii need somebody to talk to. i feel so sad about the diagnose. My astma is also making it worser. but i still Work every day
Do you have allergies that make your asthma worse? I tend to avoid having cut flowers in the house and cleaning sprays I can do without. I've got bronchiectasis, just diagnosed but I do watch what I eat. I try to avoid dairy and find rice milk a good substitute. Also the yeast in bread can aggravate the oral thrush problem so I don't have much of that. I take antihistamine every night. If you could get your asthma a bit better I think you could manage the emphysema better.
i have benen working in a factory fore steel produktion. i worked as cheif for the Economy. i thanks that the pollution in the area around us, the dust fr.o.m. the factory and the chemicals in the produktion give me the emphysemia. i worked there fore 14 years but quit the job in februari 2016