Had a rude awakening this morning! Thought hubby was jumping around on the bed, only to have it suddenly dawn on me what was happening. 7.5 earthquake. Eek! The blinds were shaking, and the birds outside were making a heck of a racket. The earthquake had woken them up too. Hope there's no more! x Sue
Earthquake!: Had a rude awakening this... - Lung Conditions C...

What a horrible way to be woken up. I hope there are no after shocks. Look after yourself and your family. Thinking of you. Mandy
You must be in North Island - I heard it on the news this a.m. Sincerely hope you and yours are ok and that damage was limited to an uninhabited region in your beautiful Country.
Yikes! How scary! Be safe Sue and family. Xxxx
Glad to hear from my relatives in NZ that the tsunami warning has now been cancelled. Hope the quake wasn't too much of a shock to you.
Thank goodness the tsunami warning has been cancelled. Thankyou Ergendll.

Yup. Cancelled a while ago now.
Thanks guys. We are in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty and it was pretty strong, but not as bad as those a little further south. Theres been heaps of after shocks, but you wouldnt really know. It was certainly an interesting way to start the day! Been here in NZ for just over ten years. Came from UK. ๐
Very frightening way to wake up! ๐ฆ Thinking of you and praying all will be well now!!!!๐ฎ huff xxx
Strong Enough to wake us in palmy but I suspect no where near as much as you felt it.