Well today had intresting chat to my lung doctor ABOUT cvid complicating my lung disease.
Well he told me i dont have CVID but i do have antibody Immunty issues we are monitoring.
SAID i do have them but the dysfunctional abnormal.
But he told me am undergoing other blood test to check my antibody's and if that comes back same as befour with no inprovmeant i will be having to have 3 injections and if this still no inprovmeant THEN i will be refereed to immunity doctor.
As to cause HE thinks Virus or Bactriea caused it.
Getting to see him was pain as i had BAD foot cramp that stoped me in my tracks HAD to lean on wall till leg started working again as it was like dragging piece meat behind me .. I just hope it was not Co2 lactic acid stuff that caused my leg cramping.