hi folk just a quick one 20 week ago today i had double lung transplant and all i can say is wow its changed my life infact ive got my life back thanks to a wonderful doner and the team at the q.e. birmingham the reason i wrote this is if anyone is faceing a lung transplant and want to know whats what feel free to ask
transplant : hi folk just a quick one... - Lung Conditions C...

Good on you very pleased hope you're life is long and happy the likes of me is just to old now but just plod along enjoying myself as much as I can do once again very pleased for you so take care
Absolutely fantastic. It's great to hear straight from the horses mouth so to speak. Congratulations on your new life. I am so very happy for you. How compassionate are the donors family. There are a few people on here waiting - I hope they see your post.
I wish you well

thank you so much

hi ive yet to think of the words to put into a letter to the doner family the transplant team advise to wait a few months before writing to them because its a while to recover from op and you need to put all you effert into that but my wife jumped out of bed this morning and said we will do it this weekend so ill keep you posted if they will meet me ore not what do you say for this gift of life this chance to be again what i was before and better one thing is sure it wont be wasted
How wonderful for you, Sibkiv What a gift, to have a second chance. Hope others waiting see your post. Please keep us updated on your new life. It must feel fantastic! 😊 Rubyxx
So pleased for you. Great news. There are many here that are waiting for transplant and it will very encouraging for them to know of your success.
K x
Sibkev, thank you so much for posting this excellent news. I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated by a number of our members waiting on transplants. And isn't it wonderful that it's all gone so we for you and that you've got your life back.
That will be very uplifting news for those waiting for a transplant. Good to hear that it's all gone so well for you, you must feel well and truly blessed.
Hello sibkev . Congratulations!! What a marvellous thing. I would like to know about it if you're willing to share. Thanks.
Cas xx 🐞
Good news sibkev and wishing you well for the future. Xxxx
That's great news for those awaiting a transplant.
Enjoy your new life sibkev, all the best xx
Ex husband had one 8 years ago and going strong--its a miracle--Happy for you MmeY
What a wonderful thing to happen to you, hope you have many years of healthy life ahead, thanks to the donor and their family.That is good of you to share your experience of transplant, take care
Great news - Thank you for sharing and so wonderful that you appreciate the wonderful gift from your donor and his/her family. All best wishes for a long and happy future.
So pleased for you, what a wonderful gift!
Hi Sibkev,
Thanks for the great news. I am not on the transplant list yet. However, if a pulmonary shunt is confirmed, then, I have been told that I Will be put forward for tests to see if I would be suitable for transplant. Of course, that raises the question of should I take the transplant route, with all of its possible side effects.
So my first question, I am sure there will be more, how did you decide to have a transplant?
Wishing you continued health, Tenter
thanks for well wishes i had no choise i had 4 months to live i made the mistake of waiting to long and got weak the stronger the better and i wld do i again in a heartbeat as for side effects beleave me you are so well watched its unrear
l im back to qe every week at first then every 2 now im on monthlys my advise is take it every time i see peeps up at clinic who have had it 90% say the same the qe did 39 tplants last year and 38 are still here and well ill take those odds anyday
That is awesome news and am so happy for you.
Such great news for you. I am not on the list yet but have been told I will need one in the future. Its always god to hear stories like yours. I might have questions but will wait to ask them.
Hi sibkev , wow you had a (Double lung) transplant, and your doing ok? This is amazing ,your so brave. I see you were in a life death situation, that must of been terrifying? I have been referred for assessment and am waiting to hear back from Newcastle RVI. I was wondering how you'd feel about me messaging you with any question I have. There is something I would like to ask now if that's ok. If you haven't already been assessed for your transplant and you then get so sick you need one to live. Can they refuse because you haven't been through the process and put on the list. Thank Marie.
you can ask me anything u want or even ring me ill talk to you all about it i had no one to talk to or ask and faced it on my own with my wife as support she was stunning all throu . you have to go throu assessment for tissue type blood type etc its all nessersery also the surgen want as much info as pos about hart etc they told me a few weeks ago they did not think id get throu the op how ill i was but then said how wrong was we the main thing is train train train i know its hard but you come out other side so much stonger iwas in and out of itu in 2 days and out of hospital in 3 weeks with how ill i was that sorta shocked em
That's a great story, sibkev!