But I seem to remember HU changing the format so we didn't keep having to scroll to the top every time we wanted to view the next post.
Why have they changed it again, anyone know?
Bev x
But I seem to remember HU changing the format so we didn't keep having to scroll to the top every time we wanted to view the next post.
Why have they changed it again, anyone know?
Bev x
Hi Hidden
There's a little box with an arrow pointing up located on the bottom right of the screen. If you press it, it will take you to to top of the post.
If you keep scrolling down the current post, you can scroll till you see the next post and click on it to look at that one.
John aka ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
No box at bottom of My screen!! But I can view by pressing needs te that says next screen at bottom.
It's alright for you - I am left handed. Life can be difficult for us sometimes in a right handed world. We have had to learn to live with it. In this case I have to move my mouse across the screen to the far right; it is mildly inconvenient.
Have a nice day John - for the moment......
Hi Jennifer-S,
I too am left handed. You know it is said that we are much brighter than 'righties' after all, I think they would find it very difficult to live in a left handed world.
I even used to reverse all my knitting pattens! that was a major task years ago, would want to do it now! ha ha
Jean xx
Left-handed people are often artistic and creative.
K x
Ah that explains why I'm not Bev x
Thankyou Kate - I love surprises
No right handed person likes to be drawn in matches to play against a left hander...we have an advantage straight away...I've always enjoyed that..........rofl......
anyone for tennis?
It's a good club to be in Jean. I write, draw, paint, cut and use knives and things that require precision with my left hand, but use the right for menial tasks.................
not sure if my right hand is any good for anything! I always feel clumsey when using my right hand!
Mr. Gates has made provision for kack handers. You can change the mouse click to be used by them. Easy if you know how, but I don't.
I like a challenge
mmmm me too - lets have a go at this one Jennifer.
Ha ha John. I can't help being thick can I? Never noticed the little arrow before
Sisterhood come in and help me..... aaaaarch. Bev x
Hi Bev,
I expect my 'left hand' comments may well start off a war on words between lefties V righties! he he
Jean x
Interesting...so I looked it up & according to this journal.frontiersin.org/art... the body of evidence suggests it's consistency in handedness (left or right) which is significant. Inconsistently-handed people (which lefties are more likely to be) think more flexibly & less conservatively, so presumably are more imaginative!
You aren't left handed are you Hanne by any chance? Bev x
Haha no Bev, consistently right-handed (& also totally unimaginative)
Great minds etc. Bevx
Of course Hanne - you only had to ask me
on my laptop if I read a post and scroll through the comments the next post appears at the bottom of the comments then scroll through that one then another post appears and so on ,
Cor you are polite today Malcolm! It's not like you... Bev x
HU have arranged for us to be taken straight to the end of long private messages to save scrolling down. On posts we have a choice. Where replies begin you will see oldest - newest and can click on either to select which you see at the top.
Thankyou mrsmummy - where will I see the words oldest and newest please.
On a PC - on the same line that it announces the number of replies, to the right below the reply box and above the replies already there. Sorry, I don't know about other devices.
Oh of course - I'm going bonkers. Thankyou mrsmummy.
hey do you think we could get a left & right as well ?
Yes I noticed the pm one and that's great. Bev x