went out shopping yesterday and took a tumble I rolled but of it but my right wrist is agony when I pick up a glass of milk I wont go and see my med team as that would a waist of time ice pack and co codamol whats next
silly old dood: went out shopping... - Lung Conditions C...
silly old dood
A &E unless you have X-ray eyes I would have it looked ASAP.
You could have a small bone fracture?
Something could be broken, Squady, and I also think A & E is in order.
Get it checked out please squady. 👍🏻😘
thanks for the reply I will go in the morning but until the sort out the high her beat it will happen again
Do you know what is causing the high heart rate? Is it low oxygen levels?
sats are fine97/80 I have tacycardia that's not responding to drugs copd stage 3 severe and cronic bronchiectasis pretty fit heh
Could be a fracture, you need to get an X-ray asap. I fractured my wrist many years ago and went to work, on my bike the next day - I could still operate the sewing machine but I couldn't work a pair of scissors, or lift and drink from a cup of tea.
I fell this afternoon, landed on my left hip & rolled onto my bum. The opposite side to where the facet joints are causing sciatica pain. I don't want to do anything; I am just laid on top of the bed with a blanket over me. May go to A & E tommorow. See how I am. We should confer.x
Both of you need to go without delay. Margaret you are a very caring lady, and what would b e your first advice to someone else?
Hope you and squady can get some sleep tonight. Hope we hear from you both tomorrow.
I agree with Jennifer. You would be the first to advise anyone else to get themselves off to A & E. You could also call the doctor out or ring 111 and let them do a telephone assessment prior to sending out the paramedics. Take care my love.
you tell me off I tell you off and I will watch the football a & e is twenty miles away no buses now try a hot water bottle . I got a gallon of maggots in the fridge ready for fishing thanks for the reply
Hello squady . That sounds so painful. Maybe just to be safe have an X-Ray to make sure nothing is broken. Take good care.
Cas xx 🌺
You both need checking out to be on the safe side. Carry on like that and I will be getting the pair of you a job as a stuntman/woman haha xx
Hate to have to say , sounds like you have a ''colles fracture ' which is very very common when we oldies fall over. Simple to sort ,. But you do need to get your wrist checked out just incase .. Let us know how you get on in A&E.