Emphysema hopefully someone knows a l... - Lung Conditions C...

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Emphysema hopefully someone knows a lot more information on this subject.

24811 profile image
17 Replies

Hi I have emphysema and was classed as severe by my doctor a few months ago, I was very lucky I had already given up my cigarettes last year but I had been smoking for over 50 years. I am female in my 70s , I know very little about emphysema but my doctor says I have about 5years to live as my lungs are 50% effected .

I used to cough all night and was spitting up so the dr. put me on Anoro Ellipta puffer and that worked like a dream I now sleep all night no coughing at all feel just so well. so if anyone in your family of kind people tell me a little more about it I would appreciate very much.

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24811 profile image
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17 Replies
stone-UK profile image


Ignore the five years, as you have already done the most important by giving up smoking. I am 24% and I am not the walking dead.

A well balanced diet and exercise will keep you in good stead.

Why people keep saying five years is beyond me, and many others as you will see in further replies.

Keep active don't let the condition control you, yes you will being doing things more slowly but you still achieve a lot more than you think.

y_not profile image

Flippin' 'eck! If that diagnosis is right I've got about 6 months left ... damn, and I've just booked a holiday for the end of the year!

At 54%, no plans to feed the daisies for a long time to come, I suggest that your Dr doesn't really know anything about the disease.

You stopped smoking, got rid of the cough so just enjoy life (a very long and happy one!)

Best wishes

mmzetor profile image
mmzetor in reply to y_not

can I take your place on the holiday then , shame to waste it ,

y_not profile image
y_not in reply to mmzetor

Hum ... now let me think ... err ..... NO! hehehe

kimmy59 profile image

I'm very severe with 19% last count, so looks like I'm dead. If you've got 50% you've got years if you continue to look after yourself.

Kim x

Nanaeal profile image

Hi - welcome to the community. I don't know much about emphysema. O jeve s different condition what I do no is your doctor doesn't know how long you have to live. That depends on how you manage your condition, exercise, breathing exercises, healthy eating, positive thinking, having fun & generally taking good care of yourself. Get as much I formation as possible about your condition (don't google it scares the life out of you) the help line or one of the NHS sites. If sure there will be lots of other suggestions latter. Best wishes Nan.

mmzetor profile image

im 41 classed as severe by the consultant but I try get plenty of exercise some days are very good , good , bad and some are very bad especially winter time normal when I get chest infections you learn to do things in different ways to make the things you want to do easier example might be put the washing basket on something so you don't have to bend down and up each time you put something on the line , simple little things makes a big difference , I wouldn't take any notice of what the doctor said im planning on being about for a lot of years yet ,

casper99 profile image

Hi 24811 and welcome.

Well, what a stupid Docter you have. He can't tell you how long you will live_!!!

I've read of people being diagnosed at very severe, that are still around more than 20 years later.

it sounds to me like he doesn't know much about emphysema and has just googled it and google is known to be misleading when it comes to emphysema.

50% isn't a death sentence, you just need to look after yourself good. Healthy diet, exercise ect...

Grrr, I can't believe how a Docter can so flippantly come out with such carp.

Stick with us, especially as you'll meet many posters that have been diagnosed at a lesser lung function than you who are alive and kicking many years after diagnosis. xx

PollyP profile image

Hi there,

Well that is brilliant you have stopped smoking! It is the best thing you can do for your health.

As others have advised I would agree, get all the information you can for yourself. Request a referral by your GP to Pulmonary Rehab, there is often a longish waiting list for this.

Eat as healthily as you can, fresh food with lots of fruit and veg.

Exercise...there are some videos on YouTube you can find, and worth doing even if you have to do it on a chair at the moment.

Take any medication you have regularly.

Have a positive mental attitude, if you have posted on here already I guess you already have one 😀

My story- diagnosed 13 years ago with severe emphysema, 44% function, last year checked 64% yay! And was walking in the Pyrenees last Autumn.

Pneumonia this year which has set me back to 54% although when fully recovered I will be back to going forward...hahhaaa

Keep in touch here eh? Wish you well.


lynnekay profile image

I think your dr needs his head examined and I wish I had 54%!

If you ask to see the respiratory nurse (if you have one) at your GP surgery or get a referral to the COPD community team, you'll find that an expert nurse has a lot more knowledge and time to spend with you. explaining what emphysema is all about and how you can remain as healthy as possible.

I've had more help from the specialist nurses and physios than any of the drs I've seen

Hope you feel better about his idiotic forecast

barbs47 profile image

Hi the doctor was very wrong to say you have 5 years to live, i wonder does he have a crystal ball??? I have had emphysema for over 20 years and my lung capacity is 38% and still enjoy life. It's probable that something else will get you before the emphysema. Keep in touch and ask anything you want to know, someone on here will have an answer for you. Take care Barbs x

2malinka profile image

My FEV1 is only 15% but nobody has ever told me how long I have left. I think it is outrageous! I am 66 and quit smoking in 1992 so plan to be around for a while. Just make sure you exercise and follow a healthy diet.

Look after yourself.


24811 profile image

Thank you everyone for all your replys as I don't live in England I don't even know what fev 1 is or a pulmonary doctor.I do have an appointment with our hospital and they said they want a 4 hour visit maybe that's what it is pulmonary any how that is not till July so I will see what happens and let all you kind caring people what they say.

Thank you once again everyone I'm going to find some books and do some reading 💐


stone-UK profile image
stone-UK in reply to 24811


Some light reading, books and Google can sometimes bog you down.


24811 profile image

Thank you I will

Dedalus profile image

Welcome x

24811 profile image

Thank you everyone is so kind x

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