Hello everyone, its me again! I have a question about Eucalyptus, something used in oils to help your breathing. Someone was telling me about it so I just wanted to know does anyone use it?
Does anyone know: Hello everyone, its... - Lung Conditions C...
Does anyone know

Hi if you refresh your page and type in 'Eucalyptus' in the Search British Lung Foundation box at the top you will see lots of discussions about it. x
Oh did you know your post is unlocked which means it (and the replies) can go viral? if you are happy with this fine. If not you need to lock it. x
healthunlocked.com/blf/post.... hi cough no even when there locked you can still copy and post any of the members postings to fb or twitter any were really an example of azures latest post of her hubbys illness ,,
Of course we can because as members we can see the posts and replies. We can cut and paste to anywhere we like. No - what I am talking about is without locking the post they can appear at random anywhere on the net without someone cutting and pasting them first. .
I have also been told that we can view all posts even locked ones on the net but unless you are a member you can't. The odd post does slip through but most won't. x
ye I agree there but as we get members from time to time chancing there luck on HU,any locked posts by them will pop in as they do and copy and paste anything unlocked or locked , so really why lock them at all coughlot eh .
True we can't do much about that, but they can't do that to all the posts so I will continue to lock mine. It's up to the individual what they are happy with. x

Hi Cough, as you'll know we have a difference of opinion on this (which is unusual, as i feel we are normally on the same page about most things!)
I just don't understand this concern - everything is public now. Surveillance is everywhere - our emails are constantly monitored so firms can send us what they see as appropriate advertising. There is no privacy now - that ship sailed long ago.
But seriously, Ive never seen anything here which would be likely to go viral - and I see lots which does. We're not that important and what we write is of little interest for people who don't have lung disease
On the other hand, people - especially those newly diagnosed - who are looking for advice and support often find the forum through seeing unlocked posts.
Take care, xx
Hi O2. The first 2 lines of a post do go viral even if you lock them so there are plenty of links there for those who need them.
The point is the whole post and all the replies don't go viral if you do lock them so some degree of privacy is maintained (or the illusion of it).
I remember my sister buying cough medicine and me saying they don't really work. She replied 'Well I have to do something'. Locking my posts is my 'doing something'
Call me paranoid but I would hate the thought of someone who means me harm googling my name and my posts and replies coming up in full. Ok it might still happen but I am doing what I can to prevent it.
Each to their own though. Bev xx

'Go viral' does not mean simply 'Be available for anyone to see'.
An image, video, or link that spreads rapidly through a population by being frequently shared with a large number of individuals has 'gone viral'.
The short answer is yes, not sure if it helps but I love the smell
G'day 2pray4us
We use Eucalyptus oil in a vaporiser every night.
It certainly has helped both of us My wife Susan has IPF and I get Bronchitis each year.
The oil permits us to sleep easy thru the night apart from when mother nature calls.
The oil on it's own is very powerful but can be a bit over the top.
Best wishes
I use Olbas Oil which I think is eucalyptus based for clearing my throat of catarrh - I just inhale it - and it helps with that problem, but doesn't seem to help with actual breathing
I use Olbas oil sprinkled on my sheets and carefully on my pillow as it stings if you get it in your eye. I find it helps with my breathing.
A caution about using oils - from what I've read on this forum and others is that if you use oxygen you should never use oils,or even oil-based lotions and creams,as it can be extremely dangerous.
Eucalyptus,,,,,,great for assisting in the breathing during a cold of flu,,,,can use either as essential oil,,,,,as crystals,,,,,,and in sweets for unblocking the nose etc.
I use Eucalyptus year round for the scent and to aid in breathing. I put some on a cotton ball and let it set on a glass saucer. I is an old fashion remedy and I think it helps the nose breath some. My sister had Bad asthma and my mom used to use i t for her all the time.
Thanks for the info punkyb. I have copd so I try to stay away from oils but if it will help I am all for it!