Toxic cloud warning: - Lung Conditions C...
Toxic cloud warning

Toci, I hope you don't mind me throwing this one in your direction,but your previous post on "toxic clowd warning" got me thinking. Do you know of any free apps that give out proper forecasts and figures on the expectant weather in the UK ? I've tried the MET office but it doesn't give humidity, which is what need to know? Any suggestions welcome.
I'm sorry but I can't help. I tend to check forecasts with the Met Office. It was checking news items that threw this up and I knew it would affect lots of members on here so shared it. But, if you find an answer, I would appreciate you sharing it.
stilltruckin may be able to help, she is very good at finding things.
I use
Enter your location then click on the day and you'll get a page like this: with all the details inc humidity.
Thanks Toci, really useful. I noticed my eyes hurting yesterday when i was out, but sounds like that was probably something else. I found it hard walking in Sainsburys carpark this evening, so who knows. x
have just read this , and makes me wonder if that's why I have had a bad night , coughing n sneezing , runny nose n dry throat ?
or because I spent all da y working in the garden ? , digging n sweeping , planting etc ,
is it worth buying a face mask ?
Good go know - thanks Toci
We have a 'haze' here in West Yorkshire today. I have decided to stay inside.