after my freebies in the morning i had the man who lives in the house that joined the bottom of the garden at my old house come round i was saying how we didn't have enough sockets in the outhouse for the freezers and tumble dryer with out using an extension cable how it could do with another double socket in there then i would have a spare socket to plug an extension cable in for when im using electric out side he side , housing association wouldn't put one in , so he said if you go get a socket and couple meters of cable i will do it for you as he was an electrician , he said i will pop home and get a switch as i see you got a light up on side of house but association had disconnected it and put another one up in the most useless place right near back door , not on side of house where the back gate is that's pitch black at night , so he fitted socket and got light working when i asked what i owed him for doing it he said dont be silly im not going to charge a mate for couple of hours work , when i get a sensor he is going to wire that to the light so wont have to leave it on when we go out at night , just waiting for another fiends son who does plumbing to come fit us an outside tap i just got to buy the tap the rest he has in his work van and he said he wont charge me as we good friends with his mum , slowly but surely getting there with the things that need doing only small things but once done makes it feel more like home
yesterday got even better : after my... - Lung Conditions C...
yesterday got even better

Malcolm, I was just thinking.... With all these sockets, lights & sensors..... You'll be able to have an outside Christmas tree this year! 🎄
i dont want to appear to flashy to the new neighbours
but isn't it nice how all these people are helping us get every thing sorted out either for free or just the price of materials
Yes it's very generous of your friends & neighbours. I'm sure you appreciate it 👍
It's really nice - restores your faith in human nature. can't be all one sided, people don't usually put themselves out for miserable old codgers so I reckon you must be a decent bloke - either that or they feel sorry for Dawn and don't want you moaning at her, cos you've not got enough sockets.🤔🤗😁
Yes, just as it should be M. I am happy for you. Alex always worked on a contra basis because we all have skills that we can swap.
That's what good neighbours are, and it's that sort of helpfulness which will make your move to your new home feel so . . . . well, right. No fence disputes or tree issues. Sounds like a good move!
mmzetor wow it's great having good friends best wishes x
Sounds like a fabulous neighbour. Although he does not want payment, maybe you should buy him a gift. Let him know that you appreciate his kindness.
Look after yourselves
the one living next door now im going to take to the pub as he likes a pint or too , the one who done the electric work i don't know what to get he don't drink or smoke and has everything , he dont have any hobbies as such only playing electric organ he isn't into gardening so bit stumped at min but will think of something
give him some home grown produce, I know it won't be ready for a while but i'm sure it would be appreciated
I know, it is difficult. My neighbour smokes, so I always bought him duty free stuff if I was abroad. Used to give his wife and 2 daughters tee shirts chocs whatever. I know it seems awful to buy fags but when I was his age (mid 30's) I still smoked. My brother-in-law is 71, smokes and can actually run. I did have an aunt who died of emphysema back in the 60's, so I guess it could be genetic.
Take care
Isn't it lovely to know such kind generous people & the sun is shinning too. Glad things are going well.
So pleased it's all going so well for you MM, restores your faith in human nature, most people do just want to help. Xx
Maybe it is a Norfolk thing? I have found it to be so.
Omg ,your one lucky ,,,,,,or very popular and much loved man in your area ,,,,It will be the best house in your street before you know it ,,,,,pleased for you ,,,,and of course for Dawn ,,,
Sounds like you have fabulous and supportive neighbours1 Makes such a difference. I have wonderful neighbours both sides. One looks after my cat when I go away and the other has a lot of health problems so we often sit and chat outside, weather permitting.
Take care
it is nice having good neighbours who look out for each other
We live in a close of 16 houses,where we are the eldest ,all the others bar one are at work all day ,except a couple of almost the same age ,,,,great I thought ,,,,,sadly not so ,,,,,one day she was unloading her groceries from the car ,,,and my hubby went over to offer his help ,,,,during the conversation she said to him ,,,,",wherever I've lived I've never had nice neighbours ",,,,,,,a few weeks later we realised why ,,,,it appears she has had arguments with those each side of her and are no longer on speaking terms ,,,,,then once after we had been on holiday ,,,,we returned to find our hedge chopped right down ,,,,,we were told that they had done it ,,,,,,,not nice ,,,,no wonder SHE never had the nice neighbours ,,
See ,call it Karma or whatever you like, a nice person attracts nice people. Great to hear your snippets about your new lives in your bungalow too. Remember though Mr. M. not to over do it and make your back even worse eh?
so you have 2 mates now that's handy knock knee and the electrician and then of course you ha Velvet and I to take care of you 😆