Told I have Atelectasis and I am very worried as also told I have Bronchiectasis. All cam out due to a CT scan I had done due to chronic cough. Anyone with similar problems?
Atelectasis - Bronchiectasis - Lung Conditions C...
Atelectasis - Bronchiectasis

Hello MaminaElsie
I hope someone will be along very shortly who can help. I don't know enough to be any use to you but I wish you all the very best of treatment.

Ooooh Jennifer. How nice and kind of you. You brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely message from you. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! God bless. 👏🏼Xxx❤️xx😘
Well, I certainly suffer with bronchiectasis, which is giving me
big problems with breathing but I am a certain age.
I had broncial problems as a young child which disappeared as got older but returned when I was in my 60s. I was getting mega chest infections which were relieved by a long term antibiotic (azithromycin) for three years which now is loosing its effect.
I haven't heard about atelectasis before. New one to me --???
" Hello and welcome to our lovely friendly little family MarminaElsie...i don't know to much about atelectasis... I have COPD...But what little I do know is..its generally not life threatening..its when part of your lung.. is or has collapsed and causes shortness of breath. But I'm sure your Dr will explain it in more detail than i am able. And there are plenty of others here who might be able to offer you advise on this condition.. But we're all here for you.. Keep yourself positive..Megan...".
Sorry to hear your diagnosis.I too have this disease I use a device called a Flutter to help clear mucus.You will need to be helped by a Physioth
Actelatasis is where part of the aveioli have 'collapsed' and sort of deflated. It can reverse if say it was caused by pneumonia or an issue like that. It can take around 3 months or so to do that I think.
All the very best, good site for help and information and such caring people trying to make life easier for each other.