Hi, New here...was interested in trying to find out about my recent illness, Was rushed to Hospital with chest pain shortness of breath, Discovered I got Blot clot in Lung...Given Medication And seems I got a follow up appointment in 6 weeks....that is all I have been told.....Do anyone know what test they do to find out if the clot has gone...
New to all this any help or advice wo... - Lung Conditions C...
New to all this any help or advice would be great....

Hi sorry I don't hope there will be someone that can give you some advice, did they make an appointment for you? Hope you are feeling better soon xx
No I was given medication to last for 3 weeks and told to see my GP as I would need more of the medication but a lower dose, And then told I would have a follow up appointment at the hospital in 6 Weeks, But went to see my GP about another matter and was inform I have the start of Emphysema and I would need inhalers....And Thank you for replying...xx
Hi Patricia. If you have a blood clot, the medication is usually anticoagulants. The blood tests required measures clotting time, but would usually be done weekly in the initial stages. The best person to answers is your GP. Make an appointment , take along a list of questions & if you think it would help a friend who can propmt you & remind you of what's been said. Hope this helps Nan
Thanks Nan, CT scan conformed I have a clot in my left lung, And am on a anticoagulant medication and also pain relief.....Was told I have to stay on a dose of 30mg 15mg twice a day, Then go on 20mg once a day for 3 weeks then a follow up appointment back at the hospital, Did go back to my doctor a few days after starting the medication and was informed by my doctor that the CT scan also revealed I have a bit of Emphysema.....What I wanted to find out is how do they know if the clot has gone...
I had a dvt which gave me a blood clot in the lung I was treated with heparin and then warfarin
In my case to see if the clot had gone I had a scan in the nuclear part of the hospital
If you need any more info please ask
Regards mikesan