Wrote a long post and Word ate it...
No Post. Blame Word.: Wrote a long post... - Lung Conditions C...
No Post. Blame Word.

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I can well imagine you said oh dear Vashti! Xx
It's alright vashti there is one in your pic. That will have to do.
I have a question, if I so much look at food I get fatter yet Word eats and digests millions of tons of text yet never changes in size. If I was the product of a certain Mr Gates would be able to maintain an insatiable appetite yet never get any bigger?
You will never know because you are not......
beautiful sky
I hope Word gets indigestion. Was looking forward to your post.
There will be more Christine, she won't let us down
Done it myself very annoying. Even though I was told to quick save all the time. You just get carried away typing and forget
You can set Word to automatically save every few minutes, so if something causes it to close suddenly, most or all your doc is saved:
I hope you have put word over your shoulder and patted it's back,,,help the words go down,,,,,,,,
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