I've been thinking about naked women today...naked ladies with saggy bits and stretch marks on their bellies and those fine blue veins that appear from nowhere to decorate your bosoms...
Flabby upper arms and flat bottoms...the one long black hair that grows from your shin and the hair that no longer grows in your armpits...turning your head in the mirror and seeing the beginnings of a beard...eyebrows plucked to virtual oblivion as a twenty something, now refuse to grow at all and require liberal applications of an expensive cosmetic crayon...the unmitigated horror of pubic hair turning grey...thighs that are now round your knees and wobble when you move...
But aren't we the lucky ones? We don't put ourselves through strict exercise regimes with a personal trainer who makes us do sixty press-ups before a breakfast of two prunes and an omelette of egg whites...
We don't have to go to the beauty salon to have our eyebrows woven or our nether regions waxed...can't imagine anything worse actually... makes me clench my bottom just thinking about it...we don't have slinky designer clothes to squeeze our wobbly bits into...we can wear comfy trousers with an elastic waist and a cuddly jumper we've nicked from our husbands drawer...
Sort through the knickers in the lingerie department and choose the ones that come in a pack of five and are called 'full briefs' rather than the scraps of lace which pass as knickers to those under thirty and cost twice as much as ours.
It is we who have warm and friendly smiles because we couldn't give a fig about laughter lines round our eyes and mouths...we are the ones who love a glass of wine and pick out all the strawberry crèmes in a box of chocolates...we tell slightly off-colour jokes and laugh until there are tears pouring down our faces and we feel slightly sick...
None of us gives a rats arse about the careers we once had because we live for today not for the next promotion or lunch taken at our desks...no need to flirt with the manager anymore...him with his comb-over and moist hands...
We should relish growing older...we've survived peculiar childhoods...weird husbands...weirder children...time for us now.