Hi : Hello everyone I am new to this... - Lung Conditions C...

Lung Conditions Community Forum

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Ennyl profile image
51 Replies

Hello everyone I am new to this site I never knew it existed already I feel so relieved also saddened that so many people suffer just like me. At last I feel I can have normal conversations with those who understand my illness. Family supportive but feel I worry them.

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Ennyl profile image
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51 Replies
pegbl profile image

Hi Ennyl, welcome to the site you will find everyone very helpfull and supportive and lots of very helpful information on your illness , though you don't say what it is you have. There's always someone ready to have a chat.


Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to pegbl

Thank you so much, I have COPD asthma also I feel supported already just finding his site. I can't say how I feel to family as my illness hurts and worries them then I feel guilty that I have caused there pain after all I smoked until diagnosed so really I brought this on myself. I feel better just being able to talk to pople who are going through illness themselves. I accept my illness but I fight it, I try not to let it take more from my life than it already has. I am so happy you replied I feel I have made grinds already thank you! X

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to Ennyl

Hello Ennyl,you should,nt blame yourself.Look at the millions of people that smoke and Don,t get Copd.Both my parents smoked like chimneys and had no lung issues.I have very severe emphysema,I paid a lot of money in taxes on the ciggies I smoked so in that sense we paid toward our treatment where others have not.We are individuals and this is a very individual condition,nobody knows why some suffer and others Don,t so don,t beat yourself up.Don,t smoke,get as much exercise as you can stand and eat as well as you can,that way along with your medications you will control the condition and not it control you.Keep in touch we are a friendly bunch.Regards D.

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to FarmerD

Aw thank you I do try to exercise eating is the problem for me though as I never have had much of appetite and worse when am ill as you will know. Never though bout tax on cigarettes your so right I do feel good knowing I am in contact with people who understand thank you x

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to Ennyl

I forgot to mention pulmonary rehab which your GP can refer you to,I found it really helpful.It,s just gentle exercise for an hour then you sit and discuss various things about Copd.Eating can be a bit of a problem,small meals more often is the best way if you have problems and Don,t feel bad about having a naughty treat( chocolate and stuff ).I like ice cream lol.D.

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to FarmerD

I like chocolate x

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to FarmerD

I can't go to pulmonary yet as my heart is waiting to be given all clear but am looking forward to going as I want to help myself as well as need to x

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to FarmerD

I was offered pulmonary rehab them told I would have to wait until I have seen cardiologist so won't be long till I can go as am at cardiology appt next week hopefully alls well then I can start helping myself more x

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to Ennyl

I have been to PR twice,both really helpful but was dropped from a maintainance PR scheme because my heart rate was usually over 100. Nearer 120 most of the time but having kept on at them I start back on the maintainance PR on Monday.So don,t let them put you off,by what you say you have the right attitude ,I think you will be fine ,just hang in there .D.👍

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to FarmerD

Great news and thanks I will get on at doctor soon as had these tests. I just feel I have to do for myself and I can't expect help if I don't try help myself first x

Hi Ennyl and welcome to the site. I learned virtually everything I know about lungs on here. My family are not supportive at all and this is the only place I get any support and advice. if you have any problems of questions just jump in and ask and someone is bound to know the answer! Nice to meet you. x

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to

Thank you so much, I am already feeling supported by all the kind replies I have received. Makes life hole lot better hen you can just say how it is and not feel guilty that your illness is causing people who you love like family you can see they are hurt and anxious and therefor don't open up in case you cause more stress for them. I am quite strong person I accept I did this to myself by smoking but I don't accept easily that it is taking away things I like to do so I keep on trying and smiling I try not let it take over. Just replying to my post has made me feel so glad I joined I sure wish I had if known about this site three years ago. Hank you honestly so nice of you much appreciate x

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to

Thank you cough slot I love the name ha! Am already feeling benefit of this site all these lovely people supporting me is wonderful thank you for taking time to talk to me I do appreciate it x

Hi ennyl sorry you have no support from your family. And don't blame yourself not everyone who smoked gets COPD we just happen to be the unlucky ones. My family doesn't like the way I have been effected by smoking. But they don't hold it against me try and stay positive take care xx

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to

Thank you much appreciated I am a positive person and I love my family dearly but hate to see there pain when I am ill. I accept my COPD I can't change it but I won't let it rule my life.i still try to do as much as I can between bouts of illness and fortunately I have managed so far. Just wish I had found this site earlier X

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to

My family over worry I hate to be cause of it so I feel by helping myself am also helping them! This site is brilliant tho such support from people who I don't know take time to support me I am gobsmacked by it all x

pegbl profile image

Hi Ennyl, you will find lots of support here and make lots of friends. Don't beat yourself up about smoking, you will find most of us used to but there are also many who have never smoked but still have bad lungs. The best thing to do is be positive, stop smoking of course, eat healthy, and exercise. It's hard for family to understand what we are going through, that's one of the good things on this site is being able to talk to others who understand and sympathise with you. Who will cheer you up when your down, encourage and advise you because they are all going through the same thing all be it at different stages, so just jump in for a natter anytime you want.


Ennyl profile image

Your so right! My family say take it easy I say no am not ready for that yet ha! I manage to do two days support work for special needs and I love it three girls to care for assisted living my co workers cover my shifts hen I am ill then I get better and go back and I enjoy my days there. I get told to cut back but I get so much more from looking after these girls who are unable to do anything for themselves I intend to hold on there for as long as am able I feel better just knowing I can do this. Thank you for your support its amazing this site in ten minutes I have been amazed at everyone on here thank you x

casper99 profile image

Hi Ennyl and welcome. This message board was god send to me.

You'll enjoy it here and meet lots of nice, supportive people. xx

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to casper99

Thank you I am so pleased I joined and already had so much support I feel like laughing but too much and I cough ha! Take care so nice to hear from you thanks x

Jessy11 profile image

Hi Ennyl, a very warm welcome to you. I'm sure you'll enjoy being on the forum. We all have lung conditions of some sort & another, all at different stages & capabilities.

What we all have in common on here is a sense of humour.

There will always be someone to chat to if you need cheering up.

Always someone to answer any lung or meds questions you may have.

Please share your experiences with us.

Take care & keep well 🌻

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to Jessy11

Thank you so much after nearly twenty four hours on this site I do feel supported. I am quite positive I accept my illness but don't accept giving in or up to it! i try to stay in charge sometimes I am others it takes over but I get up again it's a roller coaster that I ride and I make sure when am strong I do all I can to stay that way. Thank you for messaging me it truly means a lot x

velvet55 profile image

Hello Ennyl

Welcome....you have found a great forum for advice, support, and a laugh.

We are non judgemental on here, so stop putting yourself down for smoking in the past.

I know what you mean about family...my husband knows how bad l feel sometimes, and is my rock....

The rest don't seem to understand about COPD and asthma, and l don't like to tell them to much so l don't worry them.

So the help and support and friendship l have had on here has been fantastic.

Once again Welcome to a very special forum and very special members.

Velvet xx

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to velvet55

Thank you so much you seem to say what I feel about family I just say am but breathless as I don't want them to worry. I live alone I manage to work two days a week supporting assisted living to three people who would otherwise go into residential care I am fortunate to have workmates who take over my shifts when I am unable to. I love my work and feel I receive so much pleasure helping others I have been overwhelmed by messages I have received on this site honestly it shall take a while to reply. I do however thank you for your message as we seem to be in same boat bout family. X

velvet55 profile image
velvet55 in reply to Ennyl

Hi Ennyl

What a nice lady you are, careing about others when you are Ill yourself.

If your job makes you Happy, carry on doing it, you know when you are not up to it, and your lovely colleagues will step in for you.

I think it's time l got some information booklets for my family to read, and shared a little more with them.

I get fed up with the remark " haven't you got rid of that cough yet...you've had it ages "

You will know when the time is right for you to tell them more.

In the meantime...carry on with what makes you happy.

Velvet xx

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Enny1, thank you for joining our group. Enjoy your chats with us all. Hope to speak to you again soon.

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to katieoxo60

Thank you katieoxo60 am enjoying my welcomes everyone so lovely you take care speak soon c

Brianjen profile image

Hi Ennyl welcome to the site there are a lot of good people on here that will answer most of your questions

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to Brianjen

Thank you I am bit overwhelmed with response I have had already lucky me I found this site x

hufferpuffer profile image

A warm welcome Ennyl, I am very pleased you found us! You are never alone when you have a copd family like us!😀 I like to save up my health concerns for here as 'here' we understand what its like lol! Have a fabulously positive day! huff xxx

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to hufferpuffer

Oh thank you I have had positive day all messages I have received I just need to be able to sleep at night and I will be laughing x

Dedalus profile image

Welcome to the site Ennyl, which is a godsend for all of us. All best wishes

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to Dedalus

Thank you so much am so pleased I found you all x

Sherry44 profile image

Hi Ennyl and Welcome. You are certainly a very brave lady. People do tend to be dismissive about chest problems unless they have had them themselves. I didn't smoke except for the odd ones when I was very young - many years ago no now - but my COPD is through passive smoking. However, I don't hold it against the smokers as it was a social activity then, but never appealed to me.

Out of evil comes good. We none of us want to be landed with lung illness, but how lucky we are to have this site and enjoy one another's company, even at a distance.

Best wishes

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to Sherry44

Your so right and how lovely that you don't feel need to blame others I accept I smoked and accept my illness as you know I can't do otherwise but I don't accept I have to stop working as I do and won't accept that as long as am able I only work two full days but I am support worker assisted living and am lucky enough to have support from co workers. I look after three people. In one home they share and really I receive more than I ever could give x

craftyone profile image

Hi Enny

I don't have copd but another lung disease. I know exactly where you are coming from about your family as I feel the same way with my husband and grown up daughter. Believe me it is only love they feel for you and not that you put any burden onto them. I once apologised for putting so much on them and I got the biggest telling off in my life, so I no longer apologise but even saying thankyou all of the time is grating on their nerves lol. Everyone on this site is amazing, so warm and friendly and extremely helpful so any questions you have, someone will have the answer. Keep your chin up. Jenny

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to craftyone

Thanks Jenny I appreciate and understand all you say. I wish I had found this site earlier already support I have received is immense x

Dragonmum profile image

Welcome to you Ennyl, pull up a chair - this is the place where all my lung questions have been answered by the people who actually have similar conditions, unlike my doctor who only knows what someone told him years ago! So glad you found us and I'm sure we'll be of some help, also you'll find we discuss a lot more than our illnesses, so join in the fun. Lovely meeting you.

mskpjb profile image

Hello Ennyl you`re so welcome to the group and I know from experience that you`ll information and support whenever you need it. And of course you can just join in on any conversation whenever you like. Sheila xx

onamission profile image

Hi and welcome it is very difficult for people to understand our illness a bit like a midwife who has never given birth. Like farmer D says get plenty of exercise give up smoking and eat well and the bit about tax we all paid tax and COPD still doesn't cost the NHS as much as obesity stop beating yourself up

tbeth profile image

Hi Ennyl!

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to tbeth

Hi tbeth lovely to receive so many supporting messages x

esther333 profile image

Hi Ennyl, welcome to the site, I was very frightened when I wrote my first post, but received such wonderful reassurance that has enabled me to cope. I know you will too.

Ennyl profile image

Aw thank you and you are so tight I have received so much support in less than 24hours am truly amazed and very thankful x

Titchy52 profile image

Hi ennyl I'm new to the site as well ,but I'm finding it hard to be accepted nobody replies feeling very down very happy your having a better response than me take care.

velvet55 profile image
velvet55 in reply to Titchy52

Hello tichy52

And welcome...have you posted anything yet....that would be why you haven't had any replies.

Don't feel down about it...it's nothing personal...you must have slipped through anyone noticing you.

Everyone on here is very friendly, and you will be made to feel just as valued as us all.

Stick a post on with the title " l am new...reply to me " 😂😂

The replies will come flooding in.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Velvet xx

Titchy52 profile image
Titchy52 in reply to velvet55

Hi velvet55 thank you for all your kind words will try what you suggest tomorrow take care nos da.

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to Titchy52

Aw titchy you will get loads honestly everyone on here is understanding and caring just give it a bit more time! Or you could try liking or even commenting on posts you like. It's like our illness we have to help ourselves give it a try and really you will get the support you need and am always a message away. It's taken me three years to find this site and in a couple of days I have had complete strangers supporting me it's quite overwhelming and lovely and sure helps confidence.talk to me talk to anyone and get this down feeling out of your system. Keep trying and am sure you will feel lifted really soon. We all have our times of illness taking over so pleased don't take the good days and make them down days! Write something anything and post it!!! We're all here for you X

Titchy52 profile image
Titchy52 in reply to Ennyl

Ennyl your my first reply and friend on here thank you so much u made my nite I will take your good advice to heart and think positive thought will chat again soon up to bed now nos da x

Ennyl profile image
Ennyl in reply to Titchy52

Sleep well tomorrow I hope is a better day x

artpats profile image

hi ennyl welcome to the site.

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