Need help finding out how my son died. - Lung Conditions C...

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Need help finding out how my son died.

needanswersJ profile image
9 Replies

My son Jesse was diagnosed with asthma when he was an infant. He hadnt had an attack in about 2 year. On October 10, 2011 four days after his 5th birthday, he passed away from what the coroner concluded as an asthma attack. The coroner took six months and went through all Jesses medical records. He could not find the cause of Jesses death. Finally he asked me if Jesse had asthma and I told him Yes. Jesse passed peacefully in his sleep. I too find comfort in the fact that he did not suffer, however, I do not believe he had an asthma attack without any signs at all. He was at daycare at the time of his death. For me I feel that my sons autopsy did not have enough effort put in to find the exact cause of death. The daycare lady stated that Jesse woke up a couple times asking for water and fell back asleep, the only odd thing she noticed was him snoring.

When Jesse use to have his asthma it was severe coughing attacks that would cause vomiting at night and he was on albuteral and polmacort nebulizer treatments. He would also pass out if he got hurt or frighted which was not normal. I would take him to the doctor or ER and they would just tell me he was purposely holding his breath. I feel they did not look into this situation properly because we were on medi-cal.

I have 4 other children and am scared that Jesse died from an unknow cause that may affect my other children.

If anyone has any thoughts about how I can get some answers please let me know or if someone has gone thru this please reply.

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9 Replies
Ergendl profile image

What a sad story, Needsanswers. I'm so sorry I can't help you, but hopefully someone will be along soon who will be able to shed some light on your situation.

freefaller profile image

I am so sorry for your tragic loss. I have not heard of this before. A friend of mine had a son who died in a similar way but the cause for that was related to epilepsy and was like " cot Death". Again he had said he wasn't feeling well and had gone to bed. After a while his Mum checked on him to see if he wanted anything and how he was and he was sleeping soundly. She ate her lunch and washed up and no longer than 20 minutes later went to check on him and he was dead. Paramedics tried for nearly half an hour to revive him but couldn't. Apparently this can happen to epileptics in adulthood too. Though they had never heard of it or been warned of it but once this happened to them they found others who had been affected. The fact that your son was snoring when I presume he didn't normally do so makes me think he may have had a cold or infection or maybe even an allergic reaction but it is surprising that that didn't cause, coughing, or wheezing. I do hope you find out some answers especially as you have other children. Do any. Of your other children have asthma or allergy problems? Your family are in my prayers.

Bless you all.



Good Morning - I am so sorry that I can't give you any help but I could not read your post without sending you much love and my very deepest sympathy. I can only hope that you find the answers you need. Take good care, lots of love TAD xxx

sassy59 profile image

How very sad and l hope you get answers. Snoring could indicate some sort of obstruction or sleep apnoea. Our grandson will have his tonsils out this year as he has one huge tonsil and he does snore.

I cannot really help but just had to reply. My heart goes out to you and your family. X

cofdrop-UK profile image

Dear Needanswers

My heart goes out to you not only with the passing of your dear Son but the fact that his passing has raised more questions than answers for you. It must be a great comfort to you to know that his passing was peaceful.

Our family has had two losses of close family members, both of whom were in hospital and both needing post mortems, one having to be done by a forensic pathologist. The coroner courts do take a long time. So I can empathise with what you are going through.

There is no point in me explaining what we did as we are in the UK and I am really sorry but I do not know the way to go in the States. There is an American Lung Foundation but I'm not sure how good they are. You might want to email the British Lung Foundation who may be able to help with contacts in the USA. I am sure they will be happy to talk with you.

I do hope you get the answers you are seeking and you can find peace.

With love to you and your family.

With love


needanswersJ profile image

Thank you all for your replies

scorpiolass profile image

I am sorry but I don't have any answers; I just wanted to say I feel for you in the loss of your son Jesse. I can well understand how anxious you must feel about your other children & maybe you dod need to approach organizations in the US; to see if you can get answers and maybe screening. You Take Care, Love Margaret x

PollyP profile image

Oh so sorry to hear about the loss of your son and your need for answers. Losing a child must be the hardest loss to bear. I can't help you with answers why this happened or the cause of his death and indeed this may never be revealed to you.

Your other children need you and enjoying them every day may perhaps help you to focus on the now. Blessings to you.....may you be happy.

needanswersJ profile image
needanswersJ in reply to PollyP

oh yes, I charish every moment with them, when they get sick it scares the heck out of me

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