hi i have recently been diagnosed with COPD and am wondering if what i am feeling its hard to explain but easiest way to describe is its like bubbles popping within my lower and left side torso i suppose what i am asking is this a part of my condition or is it just wind tyxx
new;y diagnosed with copd: hi i have... - Lung Conditions C...
new;y diagnosed with copd

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Hi shirl
I have COPD and I've never experienced ur symptoms sorry😢 maybe someone else on here can help xx

ty maggie it may just b wind but have had trapped wind before n nothing like this and am i suppose only begining to understand my conditon xx
Copd is a hard to cope.with
I've had it a few years now also asthma and a metral valve replacement I'm here if u ever need to chat. Xx
Do you get really loud rumbling as well? Because I had this when I was anxious over the diagnosis and it was definitely wind caused by my being worked up.
It stopped when I calmed down. xx
no its quiet more a popping sensation xx
I don't have a diagnosis (I just posted about getting a potential dagnosis) but I've had that sensation for a couple of years, I asked a doc about it once and he said the body does random things sometimes. Funny enough it was about then that the SOB up stairs started, I figured it was something to do with my weight and wrote it off at the time. I do wonder though.. I guess when I finaly do the spirometry test I will know
that's right matey have the tests first and then start worrying after not before and worrying is a waste of energy anyway mate good luck with your tests best wishes peterjones queensland Australia psp suffererf
Shirls66. I get that sometimes. I refer to it as gurgly lungs. In my case it's caused by gunk in an area of a lung that needs to be moved up and out. It's usually expelled within a few hours.
I think I've had that Shirls. I wondered what it was at the time, felt a bit puzzling. Still no idea why, so can't help I'm afraid.
It could be !,,,,and I stress COULD BE ,a pocket of rubbish at the base of your lungs ,you could try doing the hough method to help move it ,,,,,if is is that ,,,you need to cough it up and out before it got infected ,,,,rubbish builds up in the base our lungs ,where the bugs breed because it's like a puddle down there,,,,cough And spit ,,,,,
ty u all for ur replies i have my lung funtion test on fri do u think i should mention it or not xx
Yes there is no harm in mentioning it take care
Hi would be interested in what your doc says i have this exact same sensation in the same location I thought it might be my stomach but when i stop breathing and hold my breath the sensation stops.
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