Just joined today have COPD,aspergilloses and a badly damaged vertebrae which is inoperable, want to know more about my conditions as I don't believe I'm getting the proper meds,looking forward to being a member on here,first time in a health related subject
HELLO ALL: Just joined today have COPD... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello RabMac, welcome to the community. I don't have COPD myself, I have Bronchiectasis. But there are many members with COPD, who will answer any questions you might have and welcome you to our ever growing family.
hi welcome to the site , you should find lots of help advice and support and a few laughs here
Welcome to you RabMac and hope you get lots of help and advice on this great site. I care for hubby Pete and he has COPD and sarcoidosis. Everyone is different so it can be quite a process getting the right meds for you and your conditions.
Do you have a consultant for any of your conditions? What does your GP say?
Take care and wishing you well. xxx
Hi Sassy ! I love your picture Sassy. I do feel mega better. This site and each of the members are so real. Each member can relate because each person has gone trough this. You know Sassy I just like your name cool. I usually do not feel down my health has been sick like really sick. I have a wonderful Doctor and special nurse.. I have a understanding now that I can live my life. I was to sick but now I will be able to take one day at a time. I would love to be a member on this program named Health Unlock.
I hope You are well Sassy. I do take to my heart. I try to my live my live as a humble person and I live each day and I count my blessings even on the bad days. Who eve thought of sight is pretty smart . By creating this site I can learn new information about my disease. I do wish no one has to suffer. Life is hard enough right Sassy . Thanks for welcoming me to this cool real one day at a time .
In kind Regards
Hi nice to meet you and welcome to the site. We are a very friendly and knowlegeable bunch so feel free to ask anything you want.
Oh by the way if you don't 'lock' your post it will go viral and so will all the replies. If you want to keep it 'community only' so it can only be seen by us, you need to click 'community only' when you post. x
Welcome. My problems are as yours plus a few extras starting with severe allergic asthma from birth. Your local Respiratory consultant should be able to assist, but for Aspergillosis I would recommend a specialist regional centre from which you will be able to get treatment to suit your condition. Wythenshawe, Manchester covers north. However as of now, Aspergillosis is not curable to my knowledge, only controllable (with any luck).
Hi rabmac, welcome to the forum. I have bronchiectasis and aspergilloma colonised in both lungs. there are different types of aspergillous, so you do need to get medical advice. I have been to Wythensh,aw hosp in Manchester, unfortunately I am not able to take anti fungal medication, the only cure fro me would be surgery, but my lungs are not in a good enough condition for that, so I am monitored on a regular basis. My other lung problems cause me more problems than the aspergilloma at the moment, but the aspergillous web site is quite informative. Take care and keep in touch with us, as we also post funnies and news to keep our spirits up janx
Hi Rabmac. Welcome.
I don't have COPD but I do have allergic asthma, bronchiectasis and aspergillosis. I have the so called milder form of Aspergillus called SAFS and have been taking nebulised amphoteracin twice a day for the past 4 years with noticeable improvements. Unfortunately I was unable to tolerate itraconazole and was unable to secure funding for any other alternative.
Thanks for all the positive welcomes,I have an appointment with a respiratory consultant on Tuesday so will be asking a few questions this time regarding my medication in relation to my illness,will post the outcome on Tuesday or Wednesday