I have a aero sure medic does anyone else have one.
Skye: I have a aero sure medic does... - Lung Conditions C...

hi there. Yes I have one. What did you want to know?
Yes I have one and have been using it for about 3 months I do 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night I find it really helps if I get breathless as it steadies my breathing. I have also purchased a salt pipe which I am using and I feel I am also getting benefits from that, have you been using your aero sure long??
Try using it can become a habit once you start like your first cup of tea x
I will start using it daily and hope it helps me.My O2 levels are quite low
I have one for my son (who's 9). Like others have said, it helps improve his sats with the breathe easier mode and is very effective to clear mucus / relief coughs.
I had one.....sold it because it was expensive rubbish. It did no good whatsoever and there are many "flutter" devices on the market at a fraction of the price. Just another "invention" that gives COPD sufferers hope for 5 minutes and helps them part with their money!
You're welcome Jjude. It is just yet "another" flutter device. Get a cheap one, it'll do exactly the same thing - honestly. XX
Tend to agree with Nikkers, didn't see any improvement but maybe I didn't give it a long enough trial!
Is it specifically for mucas moving? because fortunately I don't suffer with mucas or should I just call it chest gunk, much since I gave up the ciggies.