Over the last few days I have only been able to walk one step before getting very SOB. Worse than that my lungs seem to seize up and not let me breathe in unless I keep very still. This happened at work and I nearly collapsed and people helped me to my car where I whacked on a good dose of O2. When I felt it was safe to do so I drove to A&E.
One step. Totally SOB.: Over the last... - Lung Conditions C...
One step. Totally SOB.

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Oh puff, what happened on A and E when you got there?
I arrived about 7.30pm. Saw a nurse about 9 who took some blood. Saw doc at 11pm. He said he'd check blood results and in the meantime get me a chest Xray. Wheeled round to waiting area at 11.15. Finally got Xray at 4.15am !
Apparently the doc got caught up in other things and forgot about me and went home !!
How are you now though?
I got up this morning and made myself walk a few extra steps. Another thing I know is muscle wastage in the legs if you spend too much time lying around. That's from experience.
What! That's unbelievable. How are you now...hope you are going to ring your GP as soon as it opens. If you are no better go back to A and E and hope there are better staff on duty.
Ring 999 if you get so breathless again.
Thinking of you
I'm still in A&E. I come under the term of mobility problems and have to stay until I can walk for what is normal for me.
The nurse looking after me said yesterday (Thursday ) I see you arrived today. No I said. I arrived about 8pm Wednesday.
After all that its still a good hospital and I have nothing but praise for all the staff. ( except, maybe, that doctor who thinks he knows it all and doesn't seem to read the patients notes and history )
Oh dear Puff, can't offer any advice but can sympathise, infection I would guess so get on to your pulmonary nurse maybe? Must have been scary though. xx
One doc told my other half I " may " have an infection. Another told me I don't have an infection. Another lady doc saw me yesterday. Absolute genius. She used just a stethoscope. She said you do have an infection and I'll tell you where. It's at the back lower left or words to that effect. Here's the plan of action. I've never been so happy to have an infection ! The respiratory nurses and the rest had no idea what was causing the problem as all my readings were perfect and showed nothing wrong.
Here's hoping !
How clever and ingenious of the doctor to use a stethoscope for investigating SOB.
Hi puff again, I have been in an emergency ambulance, unable to walk, very sob to be told that my SATs were OK ..what medication have they given you?Did they check your peak flow when you were there to find it what your lung capacity was?
The BLF helpline is open soon, I would ring for advice
Oh dear, Puff. Hope you are now better. I have been getting breathless on exertion but at my time of life......And how is TOD and friends. Give them my regards XXX
I don't usually waffle a lot but things can get rather boring just sitting here watching people walk past my door !
At least you are in the right place hopefully even if it is boring. I have been up since 4.30 wittering about my mother who is in hospital 250 miles away . My daughter is there but she has no car and has been walking 6 miles twice a day to visit , so more wittering from me.
Have you been given any oral or injected steroids? Take care
I did start my own a few days back but had to stop as I ended up im here. They started a new course last night. Just waiting for today's sweets !
Hi Puff, so sorry to hear what you are going through. Stay positive and hope you get through it asap. Regards to TOD and very best to you. Healing thoughts
Sounds like its all gone pair shaped for you Puff, hope their looking after you now and those pills put you right.
You've not timed it well for a hospital stay as the sun is coming out and the weathers improving, typical eh'.
You know me from old Dall. I bet by the end of the day I'll be able to walk from my hospital room to the Main Entrance to where the hospital shop is with my oxygen backpack. It's a distance of about 200 yards or so.
Walk it! you'll be jogging it! Here's a bit of Mad music to help you on your way to that shop. 'One step' Beyond!
Love it ! I'm a Madness fan as well.
I've just seen today's doctor. Nice chap. He says it's likely a combination of three things . The infection ( not pneumonia he emphasised ) , the diuretics I was given . I'd never had them before and went from about 10 stone to 8 and a half within about a week. I threw them away. The third thing was the dehydration from them. I think that's what he said anyway !
If it was just the infection my emergency pack would have probably sorted it at home.
I take 1 Furosemide every other day, at one time they gave me 3 a day which sent my head spinning so backed it right off straight away and now find 1 every other day enough.
I did lose weight as well because of the dehydration.
I do notice a difference in my breathing if I stop taking it all together so it does help at the right dose.
Hopefully you made it to the shop before it closed .
Oh dear Puff you do sound poorly! I hope they manage to sort you out and you can go home very soon. x
You need to stop being so flaming tough Puff, at least if you had rung an ambulance, you wouldn't have had to wait so long to be seen.
It's funny you mentioning a Doctor using the stethoscope, I've noticed our DR's rarely use it too. A step backwards me thinks.
Get well soon Puff, and the same for your good lady. xx
Most doctor's using a stethoscope seem only to cover the general lung area and not listen to the peripheral areas. This is what made this particular doctor different.
Sorry you have had and are having such a rough scary time Puff but as you say hun you will bounce back - we are a tough bunch us 'lungies'. Hope they get to the bottom of the problem and your treatment gets you soon back to your old self.
Sorry too to hear TOD has been poorly too.
Love to you both.
Hi Puff hope your feeling a bit better now has always have a look at your posts because think you do quiet good being severe like you are.
Best wishes mate
Thank you. I'm lucky that I'm a positive person and I hope it rubs off to some of the other members. It's surprising how it physically makes you feel a bit better.
It's amazing how things can change overnight.
Well, I've just walked from my bed to the main entrance then to my car in the car park. I thought I'd guage how I am compared to my normal me.
I had my mini back pack on with it at 1litre. It took 5 one minute rests there and 4 on the way back.
I'm rather pleased !
Take it to the limit !
Sounds like you are improving , wish you a speedy recovery,take it easy.Tina.x
Thanks. I'll have a couple of lazy days at hope and give my body a chance to recover. I don't want to ruin all the good work.
Puff I'm sorry to read you're not well but relieved you are sounding a bit better!😀 Glad you are back home now, please give my love to TOD and both of you get well soon!😀😘💐
Hi Puff
Wow you had a rough time. By now, I hope your home and feeling somewhat better.😊. That must have been scarey for you.
Feel better.😊
Get well soon Puff and your good lady. looking forward to your return, take it easy a little at atime, until you get your strength back, and your breathing back to reality.
Thinking of you's. Neo.
Hope you are feeling much better Puff
I love ur positive attitude even with what you've had to deal with lately. U rock! Xx
So glad you're feeling better. Very scary not being able to breathe!
Hi Puff. So sorry to read you have been unwell. You have coped and fought back in your usual determined way.
Good to hear you are on the up.
Keep on improving.
Love Suzyxxx
That's very interesting Natassa. It sounds vefy similar to the way I felt. I'll do a bit of Googling !
Thanks all for your words of encouragementl. I'm back home now but I'm still on the course of tablets. I have most things at home that the hospital has and it's so much better being at home. At least I can get some sleep. All those checks every 4 hours !
As some of you have pointed out there are times when i should stop pushing myself. I think the doc also mentioned it that, although I felt unwell, I still tried to do things at my normal rate. So what with the infection, the reaction to the diuretics and me trying to carry on as normal knocked me for six !
Puff,what was the cause of your SOB (hot weather?) How long did it last?. Did you change your medications? Just trying to find out how different people cope with and treat bouts of SOB. Cheers. Gerald.
It was a combination of 3 things. An infection that I didn't know I had and the doctors at first couldn't find. Also I'd just been put on diuretics which I'd never had before and I didn't realise I'd gone from 10 stone to 8 and a half in a matter of days. The 3rd thing was me trying to do everything at my normal pace. All these things added together knocked me for six. If I hadn't had oxygen in the car and help getting to it I would have collapsed.
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