Hi All
Haven't been on for a while but still drop in every day to see how things are going.
I have been so bad lately every month seem to be taking steroids and AB my breathing is just mad at the moment. I have to see the COPD doc on Monday I do hope he has some answers for me.
Anyway Just wanted to know does anyone else get Tinnitus when taking Azithromycin, I didn't to start with but now it has started. I do not feel they do anything for me anyway as surely I shouldn't be as bad as I have been lately. I know it doesn't stop chest infections but stops exasperations but I seem to have them all the time lately. The only thing I can think is that I am getting worse with this COPD it is severe I have, but I have felt so much better than this. Is anyone else feeling the same. Hope everyone is alright.
Have a good weekend.