Been a bit busy actually...the weather has been totally gorgeous for two whole days. Not too hot, just pleasantly warm with cloudless skies and endless sunshine.
So...after being cooped up indoors for what has felt like an interminable amount of time, I went out into the garden and began painting my looks really good even though I say so myself. I'm using one of those paints intended for sheds and garden furniture...can't spell it without going back outside to the tin...they come in seriously pretty colours. The one I chose is called Wild Thyme.
There's hardly any paint odour... unless I simply can't smell it with nodules stuck in my nostrils but climbing up and down the stepladder is decidedly hazardous when trailing lengths of plastic tubing behind me...
I found another Blackbirds nest in the ivy on the old chicken shed wall...chicken shed isn't the right description because it's part of the pig sty which we suspect may have been another cottage at some point in the past...someone made proper niches in the inside wall for the chickens to nest still had a couple of pot eggs in it when we came to live here.
Blue-Tits nest in the gaps in the wall right beside the door and this year there was a pair of Wag-Tails who came to join them...the Wag-Tails come into the back lobby to eat bits of the dog food out of their bowls...Bobby lies on the doorstep watching them... with one eye open. He makes no attempt to chase or catch them.
And I've started the kitchen that paint stinks to high heaven so I did one cupboard door and then beat a hasty retreat while it dried...even with the doors and windows wide open the smell is looks good though.
It's a creamy colour rather than the mock wood effect and I'm hoping it'll make the kitchen seem's a bit of a dark space at present. And I'd quite forgotten how difficult it is to kneel down for any length of used not to be difficult but it is now...
According to Michael, who owns the towns ironmongers, the weather is supposed to last until after the weekend...he ought to know, what with him being a local Councillor.