A family member was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a couple of weeks ago and has been in hospital over a week now and has been having chemotherapy but has failed to respond to treatment. The specialists and doctor have warned the family she may have less than 2 weeks to live. Please can any medical personal who has had training in this area give me any help.
Lung Cancer stage 4: A family member... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung Cancer stage 4

Hi there I am so sorry to hear this, it must be terrible for you all.
There are no medics on this site and the hospital will be able to give you the best advice or your own GP. If you are in the UK you can ring the BLF no. under the red balloon. They work 9-5 Monday to Friday and there are trained respiratory nurses who can advise you. x

Ok, well thank you for your advice.
Sorry to not be more helpful cuddles. There is no point in beating round the bush as stage 4 is terminal I'm afraid. What the hospital will do is keep your family member comfortable and out of pain which is a blessing at least.
Make the most of the time you have left and let them know you are there with them. That's about all you can do I'm afraid.
There is a lung cancer forum (on here I think - just look under communities). It's called the Roy Castle site and you might get more advice on there. x

Well, my sister lives in Southern Ireland and we were never close growing up and neither as adults. I often had cross words with her but I never knew this would happen to her. She is only 51 years old. My oldest daughter and I are hoping she can hold on until we get there because I want my sister to be able to forgive me before she passes. x
Well I hope you can get there in time cuddles. x
My sister just passed away with terminal cancer. We were very close as children, but when we grew into adults we seem to drift apart. I wasn't able to get to her when she was in her last days, so I sent her a letter to her granddaughter on facebook message. I put everything I wanted to say to her in that letter in case I did not make it to her before she passed. Her granddaughter read it to her. I told her I loved her. I told her why I wasn't able to be there. I reminded her of some of the crazy things we got into as children, and I told her that some day we would be together again. I felt more at peace after I wrote her. I miss her, but the guilt of not being able to see her in her last days is gone.
I am so sorry to hear about your family member cuddles.
In the main our lovely members here are not qualified medics, rather we all suffer with or care for folks with lung issues. It would therefore, not be appropriate for us to offer advice.
You might find it helpful to speak to a qualified respiratory nurse at the British Lung Foundation. You can contact them by "phone (click the red balloon button at the top of the page). They will be there on Monday.
I wish you and your family strength and will be thinking of your dear family member.
Sorry Cough our posts overlapped. cx
No worries. We are both trying to help cuddles and you put a good link in. Well done. x
Just had a look for you cuddles and there is a site on here. Like I said go into communites - browse other communities and type lung cancer in the search box and it comes straight up. x
Ok thank you very much. x
Hello cuddles64, sorry to hear of your sad news. Hope you get to see your family soon. In respect of help try Macmillan on line they have specialist nurses for cancer patients and family advice. Another one is called Bacup. Macmillan deal with all aspects of cancer including feelings. I will try and find the number for you now.
Hi again Cuddles64, the Macmillan Phone number is 0808 80800 00 and is open Monday to Friday 9am till 8pm. Hope this is of use take care and best wishes x
Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your family member. I had a very similar situation with my mum who was only diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer after her hip broke. She passed away 9 weeks later. I know this will be a very difficult time for you but just know that there will be lots to do to keep your family member comfortable and out of pain. My mum passed away very peacefully after going into a deep sleep. Don forget that there are lots of organisations such as Macmillan who can offer you support and guidance at this time. My thoughts are with you and your family xxx
I had a friend who passed away with cancer and like the other post I sent her a letter I talked about everything, her husband read this letter to her and she was pleased I had made contact.
Its not essay time to lose a loved one and I hope you make it in time
Thinking of you cuddles and hope you get to be with your sister. xxx
Thank you xxx
Thank you to everybody who sent me messages regarding my sister. I did get to see her in her last few days of her life. I hope she forgave me as I have forgiven her. We were so great on the phone but because we were so much alike we never really got in when in same room. I hated the fact that we couldn't be close like she and my other sister who was the eldest. They were always very close. Since then I have lost another close friend to cancer. On the good news front there has been two births and another one due in the summer.