I have COPD recently I am waking up during the night coughing. It is a dry annoying cough. Does anybody have any ideas gthat may help?
Night time coughing: I have COPD... - Lung Conditions C...
Night time coughing

Oh I sympathise with you Nan! I don't wake up coughing, just with no air getting in, usually about 4 am, I did find sleeping with lots of pillows helped however I was getting bad neck /arm pains. Now I find that turning over & sleeping on my tummy helps! I've also heard that propping the bed up with books or bricks , about 6" helps. I have chronic rhinitis so have post nasal drip which obviously gets worse when lying down, so I do the nasal rinse...or has my hubbie says nasal colonic irrigation lol to stop nasal gunge going down the back of my throat when lying down. Don't quite know how I'm going to do it when we are camping in communal toilets/washroom, maybe do it in the bushes behind our tent !
Hope you find some relief soon
Kay x
I have a bottle of water by the side of the bed, drink a mug of water about 1 hour before retiring, and before going to sleep, have a shot of Simple Linctus I bought from the local pound store. Propping up with pillows is a must for COPD ( I have 5 ) . The thinking behind the above is the water keeps the airways from drying, the linctus soothes the cough auto-response, and the bottle water stops a dry mouth during the night.... the only trouble is getting out a warm cot for comfort break......hope this helps
I bought some manuku honey lozenges from health food shop ,lots of nice things in there,I have one at bed time. ...helps with throat dryness.
Honey and lemon drink before bed might help.
Thanks everyone for your help
I sympathise with you i have recently developed same cough i am done in with it i am on bipap and constantly pulling másk of take a drink also have 5 pillows but still doesn't help i am thinking on buying 1 of these electric beds to sit me right up as kay said sore neck etc with pillows think i will try these manuku honey things colours has sugested try anything to try get relief hope you feel better soon i often wonder what i done in my past life to be punished with all these dreadful health problems at 52 years old lol take care love jackie xx
I've found that sucking a 'Fisherman's Friend' works wonders. Take care, Lizzy x
I find that 'Zubes' help that tickle! and sitting up, hope it goes soon and you don't lose anymore sleep! hugs huff xxx
Montelukast. At night
hot milk helpwith honey last thing before bed helps me.
I can't sleep with a lot of pillows I can only sleep flat on my tummy, if I have extra pillows I end up getting a stiff neck Oh and I suck a lozenge if I start coughing xx
Pat and Graham I'm so pleased for you both xx
Hi Pat and Graham I've not got Emphysema I've got chronic bronchitis and so far it's only mild and under control I'm going to the gym I exercise twice a week but thank you xx
Hi Nan157 - I have found Fishermans Friends lozenges good, athough they taste pretty awful. My favourite nightime cough is Boots own Nightime Cough Releif - stops the cough and knocks me out fir a good nights sleep. Good luck hope this helps. Judy
Hi Nan, I have had many bad days and nights coughing. One day at the store my cough was so bad that my teeth came out (false) of course. I found that my cough was mainly caused by a nasal drip. For years I have used sudifed tablets to dry up my head and it works well for me. Try it some time. They dry up your head, quite well. Good luck and hope you can stop.