A stroll out in Herefordshire with Da... - Lung Conditions C...

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A stroll out in Herefordshire with Dall05. Oh yes there's a few pics and vids thrown in as well.

dall05 profile image
37 Replies

Yesterday I drove over the hill to visit my dad , when I arrived I found him digging his front garden ready for planting up. He is amazing for his age and is a great example of showing that hard work and healthy living reaps its rewards in later years, I was out of breath just watching him so I got kitted up and went for a stroll up the lane. I found it a little hard going up the hill seeing as I've not done much physical exercise recently due to the little abscess removal op almost 3 weeks back. I passed 3 men, builders by the looks sat on the road side having their sandwich lunch outside a house, they watched me huff and puff my way by no doubt wondering what my problem was and what the oxygen back pack was all about. I was puffing to much to chat so I kept my head down and pushed on up the hill.

I eventually got up to my stop point where I stand and soak up the views for a few minutes and catch my breath then headed off back down to dads.

About 1/2 way down a footpath crosses the road and seeing as the weather was quite good and I was feeling that I still had something in the tank I took the left turn out across the fields where there's some great views of the British camp, a part of the Malverns that was once converted into an ancient Briton hill fort.

There were Gold finches, long tailed tits a jenny wren and many other small birds flitting about entertaining me along the way. The wind was blowing quite strong in the tree tops but not so much down at ground level where I was so that was ok. I passed an apple orchard from which the Lady makes, bottles and sells the apple juice, crossed a field and over the stream which eventually passes through dads orchard.

Things were going well and I was really enjoying my stroll out in the country but I thought I must start making my way back home as my usual 3/4 of an hour walk was well expired and dad would be wondering were I had got to.

I headed back towards home only to get to a point where I could see the field I needed to cross was full of cows with their young calves. Now a few years ago when I was fit and healthy this would not have been a problem but the new vulnerable me with oxygen back pack and unable to run felt a little nervous and really didn't want to end my time being trampled by a herd of protective mother cows so I had to head back up the hill and go around them.

It was at this time that my energy levels took a nose dive and I found myself struggling on the hill and uneven surface below foot. This was a stark reminder that I'm not invincible and I have boundaries and limits to what I'm able to do. It was a case of slowing the pace even more than it was already and plodding on, even climbing over the wooden styles became a real effort and needed a rest after each one.

I arrived back home just in time to stop the search party Ha Ha and collapsed in a a comfy chair with a cup of tea and biscuits.

I didn't tell dad how much I had struggled out there in the fields because I thought he would only worry and there was no point in that. Instead I showed him all the pics I had taken along the way and told him how much I had enjoyed my little stroll.

Keep strolling healthunlockeders, it really is good for us but try not to overstretch yourselves like I did ok!!!

Tony :) :) :)

Here's the few pics I took while I was out strolling in the Herefordshire countryside. Hopefully you'll enjoy your virtual walk out with Dall05.

plus.google.com/10152331535... Dad out digging and pics taken on walk

plus.google.com/10152331535... Dads Orchard

Oh yeh' this lot were outside dads kitchen window so I rolled the video.


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dall05 profile image
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37 Replies
dall05 profile image

Hi flibberti, your right we all try to protect those that are dear to us as they would only worry which at the end of the day changes nothing.

As you say its alright to talk freely on HU as we all know whats really going on. :)

I need to get a few more walks behind me before I venture off next time. I certainly overstretched my limit yesterday but luckily I'm feeling ok today so no harm done. :) xxxx

sassy59 profile image

Your dad is amazing Tony but then so is his son. You must find it so very tempting to push yourself to the limits and beyond but you take care. Your photos and videos are lovely and a great pleasure to see. The birds seem almost tame don't they. What a beautiful part of the country you live in. Take care and keep going but don't overdo things.

Love to you and your wonderful family. xxxxx

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to sassy59

Thanks sassy, I think that unexpected walk back up the field is what caught me out, maybe I need an energy gauge fitted so I know when I'm close to empty. :)

It always amazes me when I look out of dads kitchen window, its like a wildlife sanctuary, those pheasants are just great arn't they.

I'm off to the Morgan now for a pub lunch, haven't been for about a month so looking forward to it.

Tony xxxxx love to you and yours too

DozyDormouse profile image

As your wingman I was on your shoulder all the way. Good job too. Consider yourself chastised. Exercise is good. Over exercise stupid. Dozy has spoken.

Love 😀 x 🐀 x

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to DozyDormouse

I totally agree Dozy, I was stupid and should have listened to you on my shoulder but I got carried away with everything.

Today I'm going down the pub and putting my feet up so hopefully I'll be back in your good books yeh!!

Tony xxxx

dall05 profile image

Come and walk the Malverns flibberti, I'm sure you'll love it. The pubs aren't to bad either for when those energy levels take a dip. :) xx

casper99 profile image

What a beautiful place to live Tony. Love the photo's too, your good at it. It's very hard to work out how far to go before you turn back, still, you managed it being the battler you are. Still, you'll have to be more careful in future Tony. xx

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to casper99

I think I would have been ok casper, it was the field of cows with their calves that messed things up. Having to walk back up the hill on uneven ground really took it out of me. Still I should keep a little in reserve for these occasions.

The bonus was I slowed and stopped more so I took a few more pics for the healthunlockeders than might have done.

Tony :) xx

hufferpuffer profile image

Tony!😁 I'm not going to tell you off 😀 that was quite an adventure though and I loved the pictures and video of the Pheso's, thank you Tony you and your Dad are great!😁 huffxxxx

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to hufferpuffer

Thanks for going easy on me HP, your right it was an adventure and one I really enjoyed except for the end bit of the journey.

I love going to dads, the Herefordshire side of the hills is where I was brought up, its better than the Malvern side where I live now. If you like your country walks and evening sun the west side is the best side :) .

If you like your morning sun and more people then you may disagree with me.

Its great to see those pheasants so close and in a place where they don't get hunted or beaten into a row of guns to use as cannon fodder by the rich gits. They call it sport but its more like a mass murder as the pheasants stand very little chance of getting through the waiting 12 bores.

As you can tell I'm not a lover of rich city people paying stupid money to come and kill our nature for a little fun when a clay pigeon shoot would test their skills further, maybe that's what their worried about.

Thanks again HP,

Tony xxxx

Oh Tony your such an inspiration and make me feel i want to do more when i read your posts.

Wonder if your dad would like a lodger it looks heavenly there x

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to

Hi Mandy, I'm sure dad would love a good looking lodger like you but the step mum might not. Ha Ha. I was a lodger there for 28 years and it was very cheap, my old room is still empty but the decor has been changed, the old Uriah Heep and Slade posters have gone now. :)

Its great to hear that my posts make you want to get out there and do a little more, that's my aim to show everyone that just cause your lungs don't work to well it doesn't mean you have to give up.

Finding the right pace and distance for you is the important thing, something I struggle with sometimes as you have just read. :) .

Thanks Mandy xxx

in reply to dall05

Then let me go instead of a good looking lodger !!!!

Tony he should rent that room out i would pay to stay there it looks like heaven on earth and i would walk every day in a place like that x x x

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to

Ha Ha, if you moved in Mandy the wicked step mother would have a trip wire at the top of the stairs waiting for you. :)

Your right though it is an area which I will never get board of walking, there is so much to see on the many footpaths but you have to watch out and not venture beyond your capability's. :)

Tony xxx

in reply to dall05

Oh Tony what a fabulous place to go...i almost said how lucky you are but that's not the right word but you know what i mean.

If i had a place like that to go to i would be there all the time its my idea of heaven..

How are you feeling now anyway...has everything gone back in place hahahah x x

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to

Things are going well on the abscess healing, was 2cm deep, now 1cm so were 1/2 way there. 3 weeks have passed so another 3 weeks and fingers crossed eh'.

Dads place is a wildlife haven, partially down to his age. He's let quite a bit of his 2 acres go back to nature and only maintains the land close to the house now which is still amazing in its self. The bonus being he gets lots of birds coming to nest and feed close by.

It is heaven to anyone who appreciates nature as we do Mandy.

Tony xx

in reply to dall05

I think you should take us all to visit your dad when your well...it would be a sight all of us on a coach popping in to feed the birds x x

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to

I would love to see dads face when that Healthunlocked coach pulled up outside his cottage.

He loves to see people admiring his garden but this would reach a whole new level. Ha Ha.

in reply to dall05


I will get the coach you can drive x x x

scorpiolass profile image

Hi Tony, My goodness that walk was challenging boundaries, were you feeling stir crazy? Have you walked it of now. The pictures are delightful, the scenery is wonderful & the animals look well content. I think I would have enjoyed it; at least until I stumbled into this breathless man climbing over a stile with oxygen on his back. I can't stop laughing. Once you get this lung transplant over and done with (as you will) I wonder what you will get up to then? Take Care, Margaret x

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to scorpiolass

Hi Margaret, The walk ended up being a little more challenging than I expected. I kind of got sucked in to my surroundings and bit off a little more than I could chew, but then I'm no stranger to that.

Sometimes I think I can still do the things I used to do but soon get brought back down to earth.

I am a little bit crazy/stupid it seems because there can't be to many people with my condition rambling the fields with little or no chance of being found quickly if things took a bad turn but you have to do what you have to do don't ya!! and as long as you can. :) .

Glad you enjoyed the pics and virtual ramble with Dall05.

Thanks Margaret x x x

katieoxo60 profile image

Tony your dads gusto &stamina never cease to amaze me, as usual the garden looks lovely, thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Reminds me of my younger days when I could still do gardening, plus grow veg. Enjoy the sunshine tomorrow.

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to katieoxo60

It seems dads becoming a bit of a HU celebrity, I think he finds it amusing that he gets comments from around the world seeing as he has lived most of his life around the Malverns, he knows and cares little about the internet, only what I tell him.

He did have a few years away though, as leading scout fighting terrorists in the Malayan Jungle which is probably why he loves the quiet life and his garden so much now.

I would like to think that I have picked up some of my mental toughness from him and learned how to enjoy and appreciate my surroundings more. Glad you enjoyed my pics katie and the memories it brought back.

Tony xx

redted profile image

Lovely scenery,I just love the lane it looks so inviting,I would have to investigate Lol

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to redted

Its funny when I used to live there with my parents I never realised how lucky I was. In a strange way falling ill has given me the time to look around more and appreciate things that I used to take for granted.

It seems its not all bad when your health takes a turn for the worst eh' redted.

redted profile image
redted in reply to dall05

Got to admit we do take things for granted,a couple of my fav words " If Only"

Thanks for the walk tony, I felt like I was walking with you seeing the sights just by how u had written it, except I didn't get of breath from the comfort of my chair 😜😜

Must admit the fresh air is great, we've recently bought my daughter a horse and I happily go and sit at the stables plodding around chatting with the other horses, good old farm smell in my lungs 😃😃

Ohh and getting the blood pumping round will also help with healing of ur bum lol as long as u don't try jumping them styles . Take care xx sonia xx

Ps ur dad is bloomin brill for his age, good on him xx

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to

Hi Sonia, glad you enjoyed a walk out with me around the Herefordshire countryside. Those stables and horses you speak of sound like a great place to go and take in some fresh air, I'm sure the horses quite enjoy a chat with you too. :) .

Jumping styles was out of the question so bum was quite safe, I was happy just being able to crawl over them Ha Ha.

Tony xx

in reply to dall05

hi tony, just a thought are u a big red meat eater as that will help ur bum heal, the specialist that dealt with my hubby's bum for ten yrs recommended it. Any way hope it's healing fine and U continue to enjoy ur walks now the weather is improving too. Take care xx sonia xx

Lovely to see the pics Tony and hear about your adventures while walking. The thought of you running ( hanging on to your oxy) to escape the cows is very funny indeed. Glad it didn't happen. Delighted to see you out and about again, now that your operation is over but don't overdo it :)

SusieQs profile image

I enjoyed walking with you, your well written post made the walk seem real to me. Regards to you and your dad, you're both amazing.

You are a good man Tony - it's easy to think that you can keep going when you are on a roll but I have noticed with my husband that the roll can stop as easily as it started! Take heed and good care xxxx 😃 ps your dad is marvellous xx

bikergrove profile image

Well Tony what an utterly beautiful place.i can understand you wanting to walk in such heavenly surroundings,loved the photos and your Dad looks like he's been a grafter all his life,and still going, he's amazing.Your right about the need to pace yourself,but the lovely countryside got you carried away.Take care x

Enjoyed my walk with you again young Tony! You are a marvel,easy to see where your hardy genes come from! Your Mum & Dad would win a gold medal in my book.They surely know how to make the best of life,so we know where you get that from!

Looking forward to more walks in that beautiful countryside!

Big huggs,xxxx

in reply to

Sorry just realised its your step mum! Just gave myself a smack,lol!

I did enjoy reading about your walk Tony...and the photos were really lovely!

onamission profile image

Limits are not nice I have a real hard time admitting mine. Love your dads garden so beautiful.

My old man is working in your area today, keep going Tony you keep a lot of us on hear going you give so much inspiration

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