I've seen a little to much of my 4 walls this winter, my phone tells me its 9 degrees in Malvern today so it was time to get out and get some much needed fresh air into my clogged up lungs.
It seems my phone forgot to tell me about the thing they call the chill factor as it felt more like 0 degrees when out on the open common in a bitter wind. Maybe I've gone a little soft but I'll soon get up to speed.
As usual I took a few winter pics along the way, they make it look warmer than it actually was as the sun was shining.
I'm feeling good right now and so are my lungs so I'm glad I got the walking boots on and just got OUT THERE.!!!
click the link Healthunlockeders and join me on a virtual walk to peachfield common, its a lot warmer this way.
plus.google.com/10152331535... (Short 360deg video) with wind effect Brrrrrrrrrrrr