Well it is one of my favourite days of the week. Who am I kidding when you do not go out to work, weekends are just the same as week days.
Having said that I am surprised that you did not see fireworks, flying pigs and pink elephants above my house yesterday. Mr Dozy spent the day Spring cleaning. I am now afraid to go downstairs in case I make a mess.
Well that's my excuse for lazing on the bed watching the London Marathon. That and the fact that I have had one of those showers that we ladies have to have now and again. So I am smooth and soft and sweet smelling. And cream crackered.
Think I might have recovered enough to get dressed and perhaps do some washing and if he is very good, cook a roast dinner.
Or I might just stay here. Answers on the top of a pin please.
Mr Dozy is out hunter and gathering. Not really he is field target shooting. That is shooting metal targets with a small white spot, the target, which is on a metal animal lookalike. I personally prefer to watch paint dry, just not smell it.
Do hope that your Sunday is as scintillating as mine. Take care all
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