Well hope everyone remembered to put the clocks forward last night, spring is here but it looks more like the dark days of November out there to me. Hope all those not so well are beginning to make a recovery. A question does anyone know what the NHS policy is to be concerning long term use of Paracetamol for ongoing pain in view of the revelations in the press a month or so ago? It is a matter of concern as many in pain use it as a top up too stronger pain killers or instead of others that have worse side effects. Busy week coming up so may only manage fleeting visits to the site.
Spring is Here: Well hope everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Spring is Here

Hello Katie I'm always trying to catch up with something I've missed, I have not heard anything about paracetamol, its the only painkiller n the house at the moment. Hope your busy week has lots of restful moments too π huff xxx
Hi Huff, the news suggests that long term use of paracetamol can result in higher risk of stroke and the like. There was a post on here some weeks ago about it. It was headline news at the time. Can't recall all the details but it looked like long term use for pain relief might have to stop. xx
No idea about paracetamol Katie but did read yesterday about Roundup weed killer being of concern as a cancer causing agent. Things you thought were ok are not necessarily so. Hope your week goes well. Take care xx
I'm using roundup weedkiller right now better stop buying it then Sassy59, what next I say. I take Paracetamol regular for arthritic pain too, it was supposed to be safe. Thanks for warning about weedkiller xx
Morning Katie, When my late husband was diagnosed with IPF. In 2008, His specialist suggested it may have been caused by a Weed and feed preparation he had used on the lawn, also said it would be difficult to prove, My husband never wore a mask when treating the lawn, Aparently it is sensible to do so, Regards, Bulpit
Hi Katie. I always thought you could take them long term. Thanks for the information. Personally I very rarely take them but I believe my Son who has Polycystic Kidneys takes them quite frequently. I must let him know. X
Hello Mavary, how are you keeping these days? Best to let your son know there is a question mark over the safety of long term use of Paracetamol. But have no idea what we might be able to use instead. Best Wishes xx
Hi Katie. Fine in myself! apart from getting over a broken hand. I was plastered. That was after. If I had have been before I wouldn't have felt it. I was walking home from posting a letter when i fell. I think I didn't have my foot on the kerb properly when I stepped up on it.
How are you keeping these days? I do pop in from time to time just to make sure you are all behaving. It's nice to keep up with people like yourself. I will keep my eye out for you. X
Hi Mavary, it's very disabling when you break an upper limb, now I understand why you are not on site so frequently. These accidents happen so easily but take a long time to get better and leave you vulnerable to future breaks. Like all things they do eventually improve hope it is sunny with you as it is here. Have a nice day before the bad weather gets back to us later. xx
Hi Katie. I broke my hand six weeks ago on Thursday of this week. It's fine now. I just went on doing things. It was very painful to wash up or put the cleaner around etc: but when you've got to you just do it Now i can do anything. I Can just feel it a bit. I'm quite pleased at how it's healed. I'm not much good with my left hand. It was really weird to do things with it.
Gosh! It's so windy here. It was quite nice to hear it in the night when I was tucked up in bed. The sun is shining here and it makes you feel better doesn't it? All the spring flowers brighten it as well. Just a thought that summers on its way. It was nice to hear from you. We must keep in touch.
Take care Katie. X
That's right Mavary when we have to manage we do, I found loads of ways to do things differently when I had broken upper limbs. the wind was fierce when I left the hairdressers this afternoon, then it went quite sunny now it's dark clouds again. I've been testing scooters today should have mine in a few weeks. Had a couple of collisions need some L plates even for pavement driving. But passed the basic test will need a lot of practice to master the steering ect. Have a nice evening glad to hear your hand is healing well. Take care xx
I don't know anything about paracetamol either Katie, I know there are a LOT of people who use it for long term pain relief. I always thought it was a very safe medication.
Yes, I put my clock forward....I always feel like I have jet lag afterwards. lol xxx
Does feel a bit like jet lag I guess. The only thing I was aware of with Paracetamol was the danger to the liver if you take too many. When I have a little more time later in the week, I'll try and find out more about this latest revelation. Enjoy your evening Jolyn, catch up with you all again soon xx