Hi lookin for advice travelling to Spain with my mum who has need off oxygen she will need it in flight and at hotel any help would b appreciated thanks
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healthunlocked.com/search/p...,, hi im not an oxygen user,, but this link shows you q,s and replys on oxygen in flight, and others what are users or knowledgable of oxygen will be on soon to help you ,
I go every year to Spain on holiday I hire my portable oxygen from healthy oxygen it depends if she needs continuous flow or on demand which they do both and also who fly with but you can it but need doctor or respiratory nuse to fill form
There are portable oxygen generators advertised online and many different models and prices. You do not say why she needs extra oxygen but there is a website worth looking at called a-new-shape.co.uk largely dealing with respiratory disorders and HBOT. Hope this helps.

Hi 18831,
To access oxygen in Spain using your European Health Insurance Card, it is recommended that you request the organization of oxygen therapy in advance, in writing, directly from the Spanish authorities. This will enable you to be reimbursed for any costs incurred when you return to UK.
This request should be sent at least one month before you are due to travel. Details of how to do this are on the Gov.UK website
You will be sent a template letter to complete and return to the Spanish Authorities along with
•An enlarged copy of the European Health Insurance Card
•A clear photocopy of the photo page of your passport
•A letter or prescription from your GP or specialist giving full details of your oxygen requirements
It is important to know also that in the Canary Islands there is a required minimum of 15 hours a day in order to have treatment organized through the Spanish health authorities, and therefore for free with the European Health Insurance Card. If you do not meet the required minimum of 15 hours a day, you will need to apply to the private company Oxicanarias, who can provide the treatment for you. You can complete an online application on their website oxicanarias.es . Oxicanarias will not consider applications that are not registered in this way. This is a private company therefore you will need to front the costs. It is advised that you contact the Overseas Healthcare Team directly on 0191 218 1999 to find out how you can be reimbursed with the European Health Insurance Card for this treatment.
Alternatively, you may wish to hire a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) for your holiday. A POC can be hired in UK and also used for your flight if this is necessary. Details of POC hire is below. The costs of hiring a POC will not be reimbursed.
POC hire companies.
TENS Medical 0121 355 6555
Pure o2 – 08707 120202
Omega Oxygen – 01273 308176
If you do need oxygen for your flight, you will need to check the airline oxygen policy of the company you are flying with and inform them of your needs as soon as you book the flights.
To check the airline oxygen policy, see:
Please give us a call n 03000 030 555, if you've got any questions.
Specialist Adviser
Last year I flew with Thompson airlines to Palma, Majorca. I was able to book in-flight oxygen at no extra charge. I also had wheel chair assistance.
I was able to get liquid oxygen delivered to my hotel through the European Health Insurance card scheme. This is possible in other parts of spain too. In fact everything was so good I am going to do the same again this year. If you need any help / detail let me know and I will try to help