I read these posts all the time, but rarely post anything. I would appreciate some of your opinions.I have had emphysema for 15-20 yrs,and obviously it has progressed. I have just come out of hospital after a stubborn infection my doctor couldn’t clear. My question is, is it unreasonable of me to ask to be referred to a respiratory consultant, as I would like to know more about the progression of the disease and my future. I am eighty now and haven’t seen a consultant since I was first diagnosed about 18yrs ago. I should appreciate your opinions.
Need Advice: I read these posts all the... - Lung Conditions C...
Need Advice

Hello Sheila, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for you to be referred to a respiratory consultant and have to question why you haven’t been seeing anyone over the past 18 years.
Please speak to your GP about a referral and I hope you’re feeling better now after your stay in hospital. Take care xxxx
Hi SHEILAJoyce, in the last ten years or so its become imperative that we be our own advocate in our own health and become proactive in getting help. It's awful that you've not been looked after. The system has changed so much and we patients have rights. I'd be changing the GP if he/she won't refer you. It was a fact just a few years ago that GP practices were charged an extra fee for making referrals, I dont know if this is still true but I believe its the practice who pay for our treatment, medication etc & they run on a tight budget like most other businesses.
You could always give the BLF a call during uk office hours 03000 030555 for advice?
Kind regards, Peege
Hi Sheila,
So sorry for your recent hospital stay and stubborn infection.
I'd say some of your questions can't be answered specifically for you, but certainly you can help keep your condition stable with the usual precautionary measures.
I'd have a chat with the BLF helpline nurses blf.org.uk/support-for-you/...
I am sure they will be able to advise you further.
There is absolutely no reason why you can't ask your GP for a referral back to a respiratory specialising consultant but usually this is (from past experience / knowledge) only if you are having repeated infections or if you have reached a stage where you need to be monitored closely if you are not responding to treatment after several months of ill health etc (sometimes a community matron may visit periodically if your doctor thinks there is a need and can put that into action for you). **
** Do chat with the BLF helpline they will be able to advise you further on this.
Hope you are feeling a little better now.
Best wishes BK
Yes, you should see a specialist to make sure you are getting the most suitable treatment.
What a lovely photo of you,Hope you get a good response from your gp.Good Luck x
Hi Sheila, by all means do see a respiratory specialist ( pulmonologist ) at once. It’s unbelievable that you have gone 18 years without a consult. I believe a lawyer could call that medical malpractice. And by the way you look marvelous and with a great attitude. All and only the best for many, many more years enjoying life and your growing family, judg69
I agree with all the other posts. But also consider asking to see a respiratory nurse. They’re often the most useful support, local, on hand and with bags of knowledge. In my neck of the woods (Nottingham) you can self refer to nurses but hospitalisation would almost certainly have led to your being referred by now anyway.
Its terrible that you are having to ask for this, your gp should have referred you when doing a medicine review. I would certainly be requesting this and to see the respiratory nurse as suggested by bwp91, they are great and can help with many things. Lovely photo x
Hello Sheila. It certainly is not unreasonable to request a referral and the recent change that required hospitalisation should be enough for your GP to see that you probably will all benefit from it. Best wishes. I hope it goes well.
Hello SHEILA Joyce. Yes you can ask to see someone who knows more about your condition and get to know more about it. And may i say i hope i look as well as you if i get to 80. Hope you keep well now and take care. Brian
Hi SHEILAJoyce, I was diagnosed with COPD, 10 years ago, and as soon as I was diagnosed I was referred to a Pulmonologist. I see him every 6 months. You should ask to see a specialist.