Save our nhs.: This posting should be... - Lung Conditions C...

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Save our nhs.

knuket profile image
33 Replies

This posting should be non political.

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knuket profile image
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33 Replies
itsBAme profile image
itsBAme,,, this one, I don't see anything political hear, only people voicing there opinion in a free democracy of freedom of speech, to save the ,N.H.S. this is a site for thousands who depend on the n,h, s, for there care and our grandchildren in coming years , and there familys after who will need the n,h,s, doesn't seem anything wrong with the post or am sure the moderators would have deemed fit to remove it which they havnt done.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to itsBAme

All or any form of politics should be left out of the NHS. It is far to important to the people of the UK. Politicising it will in the end kill it off. It is now looked on as a band wagon to jump on.

itsBAme profile image
itsBAme in reply to knuket

its how its taking in what context its written, these posts are there in support on the n,h,s, to raise awareness of supporting the n,h,s , not to bring it down, anyone can think of it as what they will, its a free country freedom of speech and expressing ones own views when it matters most.the N,H,S, matters .

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to itsBAme

OK. As the N H S is, at the moment treating me for my lung conditions, my heart condition, the Pneumonia that I contracted in hospital and found and sorted out my Tripple A with very little time to spare, I might add, I have a lot of time and respect for the N H S but it should not be used as a political sword in any way whatsoever and it is being every day by some one or some thing and as I have already stated if it carries on it will, in my opinion be brought down and fail.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to knuket

In an ideal world knuket maybe.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to sassy59

We all know that we do not live in an ideal world but we could still campaign to get politics out of health care and leave it to the people who know what they are doing.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to knuket

Yes we could but I doubt very much that would happen knuket as there is not much that isn't political these days I'm afraid. Nice thought though. I like to think the nhs can be as good as it was but we live in ever changing times unfortunately. I do think we should pay so called Managers a lot less money though and plough some of their wages back into the health system. Will that ever happen? Who knows.

Dragonmum profile image
Dragonmum in reply to knuket

Try telling the politicians that.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to Dragonmum

That is precisely what we should be telling the politicians.

123098 profile image
123098 in reply to itsBAme

u can't leave politics out of the nHS because unfortunately there is a government minister who is in charge and every time a new party wins you can guarantee policies and the running of it will be changed why I do not know can't they leave it to the experts who work in t h e NHS everyday and know what patients need !

The staff who work for the NHS are brilliant I agree, but it is the lack or inappropriate use of funding which is affecting patient care. As it is not ring fenced any Govt. can make changes to it and this one certainly has, so therefore it has to be a political issue. Those who care about the NHS have to fight for it's survival. I will fight for it and so will most people.

FarmerD profile image

It is capitalist ideology that wants to sell off our health care,I make no apology for my political beliefs.There is very little in the present climate that is not political!D.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to FarmerD

Hi Farmer D.

Please explain "Capitalist Ideology" to me.

undine profile image
undine in reply to knuket

Very simply a 'capitalist ideology' in relation to the NHS is a belief that it is OK for the owners of Capital to make profits from the illness/sickness and suffering of people - this is almost the antithesis of what the NHS was created for - created by the way by politicians - to ask that politics be kept out of it is, I am sorry - a nonsense. I mean no offence by this but it is the same 'thinking' that this government has tried to introduce to try and ban certain charities from lobbying on certain issues that they (the current government) do not wish in the public domain before an election on the grounds that charities should not be 'politicized' - which is also nonsense.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to undine

So the owners of capital has you put it, should not be able or allowed to make a profit on any supplies or services given to the NHS. on the basis that they are making a profit from sick and suffering people. Cods-wallop! and I mean no offence to you.

undine profile image
undine in reply to knuket

No offence taken - you are entitled to your opinion - if you believe that there is nothing morally wrong with making a profit on any supplies or services given to the NHS - which services or supplies, by the way, are paid for out of the Public purse, and which money could otherwise be used for employing, for instance, more full time nurses etc. then you are welcome to that opinion. You will excuse me if I disagree.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to undine

So, in your opinion, any firm or company from the one man band to the multi nationals that supply or service any state run operation of any sort should supply at cost and work for nothing. This of course whilst the employees of these state run operations get pretty good wages and lots of perks shall we say.

Rather a bit way to the left this type of thing is it not.

undine profile image
undine in reply to knuket

Well you obviously do not understand the concept of 'profit' - it is the surplus money a company receives over and above its running costs, staff payments, cost of supplies, goods etc. wages taxes etc. etc. I am not against a company making a profit, but not at the expense of paying barely a living wage to the majority of its employees, and making that profit from the pubic purse, profiteering on the suffering, illness and misery of others - which has been my point from the very beginning.

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to undine

I take it that you are saying the majority of all NHS employees are being paid barely a living wage?

Just a little about not understanding the concept of profit.

I left school at 14 years of age, I worked as an employee for 7 months,after which time I believed that I was not being paid my worth, from then until now I have run my own company and at 72 I am still running it. I have over those years employed many many people, paid many hundreds and hundreds of thousands in tax , personnel, and employers contribution. all other forms of tax.


I have also been contracted to the NHS, local councils nation wide, uk government departments including the place where all the MPs sit, and various EU departments.


As a further point of interest I now employ a number of third generation employees, father, son and now grandson, HOW COULD I HAVE EVER RIPPED ANY EMPLOYEE OFF.

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to knuket

The capitalist ideology of this government seems to be : sell everything the poor people have paid for over the years to our greedy selfish rich friends at a knock down price,the Post Office for example.

sassy59 profile image

Clarification required here - I actually replied to knuket's post about politics in the nhs not, as it might appear, that the nhs is set to fail. Just wanted to put that right.

I personally support the nhs in all they have done, and continue to do, for Pete and for the future as that affects all of us. xx

onamission profile image

Like farmer D I make no apologies for my reply on the NHS yesterday I was giving you the facts of why the NHS is what it is today. I agree politicians should not be allowed a 100 miles of it but sadly we have a government minister in charge of it and you can bet your bottom dollar that every MP from every party will use the NHS as pre- election promise and as soon as they are in power will sit back and let the NHS continue to slide down hill.

They have no idea what its like to work 72 hours a week what its like to find someone a bed in a hospital bursting at the seams I would also like to bet you none of them use the NHS they will all have private medical insurance.

I am passionate about the NHS Doctors and nurses work hard and get no support our local hospital is typical of what is going on in the NHS we stand a good chance of loosing our A&E but that is another story no doubt I will tell you one day.

knuket profile image

Well Flibberti, I find your comment about cleaning quite interesting. 8 weeks ago after having left hospital 4 days prior, my wife considered it necessary to call an ambulance to get me back into hospital, there I was diagnosed with hospital contracted pneumonia. Early each morning I was there, the in house cleaners would clean the ward,the first morning I was amazed to see this not too sprightly lady jumping up and down with a micro fibre duster on a stick shouting to the other lady " she must think I have 12" heels on my feet" "who must" came back the reply, "that stupid supervisor of ours" was the answer. I will point out that along the centre passage down the ward right at the base of my bed in the ceiling was a air supply grill, quite dirty I might add,this she had been told to clean, it would appear but she gave up as it was out of reach.

Believe it or not her next move was to dust off the curtain rail around my bed, whilst I laid there I could see dust and lots of other obviously nasty things falling on me.Obviously I had to stop her doing this.

I would point out here that a private contractor A. would have the correct equipment, B trained personnel, and C. a supervisor who knew their job.

Further I can assure you this was not a one off, quite a number of other things occurred over the next 3 days that should not have.

Bear in mind I was in hospital because of contracting a bug in there in the first place.

I normaly avoid politics but my two local hospitals have always done the best they can but its a shame its not the staff who run the NHS but politicians and private companies.

If th politicians got it right we wouldn't have to say " Save our NHS ".

eastridingbigden profile image

Knuket. it is obvious that you are a supporter of the present government who if returned for another session will get rid of the health service as we know it today. For the 67 years it has kept me well has many millions of more lives over that time and I will fight to my death to keep it out of the private companies hands it was built by taxpayers monies, mine, my parents and yours and it should stay in the hands of the people for the people. Yes it will under go changes has technoligy improves but the government ie the people keep it in control. Look at the euro star not made a profit for 27 years built with our money and french of course now its making money for the first time, suddenly the government is selling its share why not 5 years ago,because the private sector don't buy anything making a loss, well I think we should keep the tunnel profits and use that to pay for more nurses etc not some rich shareholders probably foreign at that . Ps it was a politician that created the health service not a rich insurance company or shareholder

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to eastridingbigden

No I am not a continual supporter of this or any other government, I would and will support the government that I personally consider is the best for this country at a particular time, I would certainly not consider voting for whatever my father or grandfather voted for.

Yes it was a politician, a conservative Health Minister 1943-1945 Henry Willink who came up with the blue print for a NHS.

As a point of interest, would you buy anything that was going to make a loss????????????

eastridingbigden profile image
eastridingbigden in reply to knuket

Yes I would buy something that made a loss we all do has soon as we buy a new car you drive it out of the show room and take it back and they will give you less than probably an hour ago when you bought it it is obvious to me that you are obsesed with making money well why don't you pay for everything the health service provided from your own money the reason that most of us have got some small change to leave our grandchildren and children is because we have not had the American system of health care over here, it also why the workers of your company was able to pay for a foreign holiday. There is nothing wrong in making a profit in most cases but not at the expense of someone who is sick. also we have paid into it by our national insurance contributions by vat and tax and I will be out on Saturday in my village square. By the way Kunket I am older than you and I run my own business and have done for the last 22 years. I no longer want to have anymore conversation with you

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to eastridingbigden

I never asked you to converse with me in the first place. Bye Bye.

warwickstag profile image

Not much support on here for your views Knuket. Seems like an odd topic for your first post for someone who's been a member for nearly a year. With all your health problems you must have some stories to relate about your treatment by the NHS. Why don't you share them with us?

stilltruckin profile image

knuket profile image
knuket in reply to stilltruckin

Each to his own, who knows.

knuket profile image

I never said anything was about me or my experiences!!!!!!! it was you who made a silly comment, that did not understand the concept of profit, just putting you straight. No need for you to start getting nasty.

knuket profile image

Sorry many manyapologies this reply was meant to go to undine. please forgive.

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