Séances and Ouija Boards... - Lung Conditions C...

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Séances and Ouija Boards...

14 Replies

Well...they were very interesting...the past lives comments I mean. From the idea of a parallel universe and quantum physics, to the real cause of a sense of déjà vu, to being able to foresee certain events...

Don't misunderstand me...you do always leave comments I really enjoy reading...but sometimes an article triggers off your own memories or thoughts in the way that others don't...

The Victorians...those who planted dinosaurs all over the place and covered their table legs up with chenille...those people...they were heavily into séances and Ouija boards. Desperate to contact their dearly departed they'd sit in darkened rooms holding hands, while spirit guides popped up out of the ether and said Granny sent her love and was watching over the family and knows full well you tore her best lace tablecloth...

The charlatans, who made a tidy living from conducting such séances, had all manner of tricks of the trade up their sleeves to create a suitable atmosphere...one being tiny grains of gunpowder to be lit by a hidden assistant...the sudden pop and whiff of smoke striking alarm into the bosoms of the matronly ladies.

For unknown reasons, the spirit guides were generally American Indians...perhaps their names sounded suitably

strange...though quite why a North American Indian would be interested in chatting to your Granny about her lace table cloth will have to remain a mystery.

The late Victorian period was the heyday for séances using a Ouija board ...it'll be here my own personal prejudices come to the fore.

You'll probably all know already, but for those who might not do so...you need a board of anything...could be cardboard. Then you write all the letters of the alphabet round the perimeter of the board with a 'yes' and a 'no' somewhere near the middle. Then you need an ordinary glass tumbler.

The Victorians used ornate and decorated circular boards which I think can still be bought on the dark side of the internet...shops have either discarded theirs or never stocked them in the first place...Head-Shops might have some under the counter I suppose.

Gather half a dozen friends together and sit around the table...each person with a fingertip resting lightly on the up turned glass...then ask questions...

The glass moves...of its own violation. Maybe it'll travel quite slowly at first...for the silly questions. Then it'll get faster and faster and faster...dashing from one letter to another spelling out...it spells out words you'd rather not hear...phrases which cut too close to the truth.

Probably one of the most dangerous 'games' to have ever been played, the Ouija has driven non-believers to the refuge of the local Church...has required the services of the priest and has caused many to seek help from other agencies.

Perhaps the term 'conjuring up demons' is too strong a description, I can only go my own experience...an icy cold all over the room...we were actually shivering and our arms were covered in gooseflesh, despite it being high summer...an appalling and overwhelming feeling of total and utter dread. You see...we'd stopped asking questions of the board when we first felt uneasy...but the glass tumbler carried on without us...spelling out obscene phrases and the terrible ends to our comfortable lives...

It was as though we were caught in some form of spell from which we were quite unable to escape...sitting there round that blasted table while the glass moved rapidly from one letter to another and we had our hands in our laps.

Martin it was who broke it...he leapt to his feet and swept the letters and the board and the tumbler onto the floor...

I can't even begin to explain that evening...always the cynic, always the one who looks for a logical explanation to every mystery, when I catch a glimpse of small brown feet dancing in the moonlight I view that as a pleasurable trait I have of seeing into another world which has long gone...

Connecting...however briefly...to a hitherto unseen time of evil...there is no other word to describe it...that is something I'd wish upon no-one at all nor have I ever been able to explain how it was, that a piece of card torn from a box and a glass from the kitchen shelf could reduce the group of us to quivering wrecks.

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14 Replies

Hi vashti I too have scoffed at seances and using an ouji board but was fascinated to find out more. But when a friend seriously suggested we do one I was suddenly terrified at the thought and said no point blank. I think there is something there and I would never want to attract the attention of the spirits or anything else thank you. It is messing with danger and your head. x

in reply to

I've always been a true cynic and still am to a certain extent...but there is no way on earth would I ever try a Ouija board ever again...it was just far too frightening and we didn't know what we were dealing with...

Colours23 profile image

I don't need to listen to radio or watch TV with your posts they keep me amused,I'd rather read your book ,you could write a good play the way you have with words...excellent !!

in reply to Colours23

I'm glad you enjoy reading...and I'm not going to write a play...lol

pollyjj profile image

Hi Vashti, many years ago when I was a teenager, 3 of my friends and myself decided to have a go with a ouji board, I really don;t know to this day if one of them was moving the glass but move it did on the very first questions which was - If Jennys mom is here what is your name (we used that because she had an unusual name) the glass moved to spell out Dorcas, we were terrified. Could not sleep that night and never used it again.

polly xx

in reply to pollyjj

Oh Polly...that must have been terrifying ...there are some mysteries in the world we cannot yet understand. love Vashti xxx

Ha! too scary for me Vashti...not quite sure what exactly but I believe that there could quite possibly be dark forces that we don't understand. I'll watch a light ghost story on the tele but not horror movies like The Omen, etc - I guess some folk would laugh at that! Come to think I'd even wimp out at having my fortune told...and anyway, would we really want to know? xxx

in reply to

Let them laugh lovelight...I think full on horror is just silly...but I loathe an insidious horror like Edgar Allan Poe's stories...

I've had the Tarot cards read and didn't much like that...have never had my fortune told and don't intend to either!

I watch horror movies - not the slasher type but hard core ghost stories and supernatural ones. Love Edgar Allan Poe! My grandmother used to read tea leaves and my mum used to read the cards, not seriously. Then she stopped and I asked her why, she said that too much came true.

I read the cards a few times for people and then stopped coz 1 person said everything I told them came true. That spooked me out too much. Some things are best left alone.

Have you heard the worlds shortest ghost story?

1st man 'Do you believe in ghosts?'

2nd man 'No' and vanished :) x

oulpete profile image

The one and only time I did it, my wife did not agree to join in so we started and waited, is anyone there over and over but nothing until wifee left the room for bed. Then it started that is, the tumbler on a glass table. It spelt out and named a person, the mother of a participant who was killed in a car crash two or three weeks previously. He started to cry and really.... It scared the be-jeesus out of us all. Never played it since and that was 45years ago.....it pains me to say!

in reply to oulpete

They are horrible aren't they...!

Dragonmum profile image

I still have the Ouija Board in a cupboard somewhere. It was bought for our spooky Aunt Beryl for Christmas 1968 and we got it from W.H.Smith - having tried it "just for a laugh" we decided to buy her something else! I will say it changed my Dad's life forever though - and he'd been a card-carrying atheist all his adult life.

in reply to Dragonmum

To think such a simple piece of equipment can hold such huge power is terrifying...!

Dragonmum profile image

We're really only at the beginning of understanding many things Vashti.

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