Our Postman...Tommy.: The plastic water... - Lung Conditions C...

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Our Postman...Tommy.

21 Replies

The plastic water container on my condenser had a big crack in it so I asked for another one and it came today...in a nice little box. I like boxes actually.

It was designed in Germany...made in Costa Rica...under licence from somewhere or other in the U.S.A. I couldn't read that part properly because someone had scribbled over it. I know we need World Trade, but isn't that awfully complicated for a plastic beaker with plastic tube in the middle...

Tommy, the postman, was well wrapped up in his bobble hat and various scarves tied round his neck...if we have a package he can't squeeze into the letter box, he hammers on the door and leaves it on the step...in the summer we leave the bedroom window open and he drops whatever doesn't fit through the window...sometimes it'll land on the floor...other times it manages to stay on the windowsill.

He doesn't ever go to Marians cottage windows though 'cos she has Otto...he's a Rottweiler as big as the average sized sheep and if you want to visit you have to 'phone first so she or Pat can shut him in the bathroom...seems daft to have a dog like that...they have an assortment of small dogs as well.

Next door at Breeges he puts the post through the bathroom window where it falls into the hand-basin then at Wendy's he can use the post box or the open kitchen window...but he has to run the gauntlet of Nancy who loves to bite the wheels of moving vehicle's...she's taught Tilly to do that as well, so now there are the two of them to dodge...

Henry has an old bread bin outside his gate so that's quite straight forward and that nasty snappy little creature with big googly eyes is usually in the cottage...horrible little dog it is...I once ran over it's foot when I was cycling down the lane.

Sammy and Bruce, who live next door to us on the other side bark a bit, but Marie has a proper sort of a post box as well and I don't know what happens if she has a package...she isn't a woman to leave a window open, not after Hubert narrowly avoided getting shot by an irate Traveller in the hospital car park...

That only leaves Jonny and then his Mum and Dad who live next door to him...don't know how Tommy gets on there...they don't have biting dogs for him to avoid anyway. Honora, that's Jonny's Mum...she once told me she was getting far too old to make jam seeing as how she was in her early fifties...I thought that was funny...probably because I had a basket full of Blackberries and there was me in my early sixties...

Forgot Lorna... she has an itty-bitty little dog who sits about and gets fat...Tommy leaves her parcels and packages in her porch 'cos she has a posh house...with a proper porch.

I can never understand what Tommy says you know...he could be saying World War Three has started and I'd smile happily and say that's nice...but he turns up some time during the morning no matter what the weather...always cheerful and willing to pass the time of day...

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21 Replies
Nanaeal profile image

Hi Vashti How do you manage to make having a parcel delivered so interesting. Best wishes xoxoxo

in reply to Nanaeal

Dunno...just see the funny side I suppose!

redted profile image

We get 2/3 thumps on the front door,if you are not there in less than a minute a card is pushed through the letterbox,telling you the package has been taken back to the sorting office and will be available for collection in 24 hrs, it seems everyone is in a rush these days.

in reply to redted

Then you need to come here to the Wild And Wonderful West...we're awfully laid back...lol

bulpit profile image

Morning Vashti , Poor Tommy having to avoid all those dogs, especially Otto, Do you realise Vashti that you could describe paint drying and make it very interesting, What a talent, Best wishes Bulpit

in reply to bulpit

Otto is scary...seriously scary actually...

jellas profile image

First time I have enjoyed some one talking about a package delivery, you have a talent, you should use it.

in reply to jellas

Thank you xx

Offcut profile image

Great post once more.

in reply to Offcut

Thank you Offcut xx

Lyd12 profile image

I think postmen could write some stories about their experiences. Ours is a great guy, always happy to chat, we tell each other about our arthritis and feel better for it. he often has to leave parcels with me that are for my son who lives two doors down. My sons car is parked here at present while some building work is going on.... He joked as he told me my son said if it was still there after Christmas I could have it!

As for jam making - my husband is busy right now boiling up a batch of marmalade, and he's 85 so I don't think there is an age limit. all the family enjoy a pot of his homemade.

bought myself a dress in the John Lewis sale, haven't bought a new dress for ages, live in trousers. As I've got older I've slimmed a bit and most of my clothes are a bit big. took me a time to realise I needed a smaller size. anyway, dress looks OK all we need now is some warmer weather!

Great stories Vashti, trying hard to imagine your lane, probably way out, could we have a picture? Iris x

in reply to Lyd12

I've put a photo on today...it's very quiet and peaceful. Our neighbour and the jam...bit silly to say you're too old when you think...please may I have a pot of home-made marmalade? And I hope the weather brightens up soon then you can wear your new frock!

pegbl profile image

Once again you've captured my interest, you have a great way with your stories. I'm always looking back over the postings to see if I've missed any. I enjoyed your house move but tell me are you English ? or Irish?


in reply to pegbl

Bit of both actually...my Mother was Irish and we have many Irish people in the English side...if that makes any sense!

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to

Only to an Irish person lol!

sassy59 profile image

I think Postmen must dread the snappy small and more vicious large dogs most days. We only have a barking dog at the Italian's house because he is left outside. Mind you, the postman cannot get into their place with a parcel as it is like fort knox. I am not sure if they have an arrangement for deliveries as I have only ever taken a parcel in for them once. It was a good thing to do as the lady of the house brought me some beautiful home grown tomatoes as a thank you. Lovely they were too. It must be nice to have the same postman all the time as ours are always changing and you never really get to know them.

A great post as always vashti. Take care xxxx

P.S. Never too old to make jam - not that I do though. xx

in reply to sassy59

Tommy does go on holidays sometimes but the chap who takes his place is always the same...and he's nice as well.

I don't make jam anymore...seems to be a darn sight cheaper to buy it...lol

helingmic profile image

Hi Vashti, Our postman Michael, he trundles in his shorts in summer and in winter. I see him pushing his trolley and walking fast on the squelching grass. He has got solid, big boots and solid,naked legs!

barnowl1 profile image
barnowl1 in reply to helingmic

Hi helingmic, sounds like you live in Devon alongside me. Some years go the postmen here had a wager as to who could stay in shorts the longest. Christmas came and they were all still wearing shorts. Consequently they made it a tradition and now I think nothing of it. They say it's easier to dry wet legs than walk in wet trousers. Whatever, I just stay in the warm and dry and avoid getting more infections!barnowl

helingmic profile image

I live alongside the thames, actually. It's the period when we are attacked by the north wind straight from the Arctic. I think postmen have the same habits all over. It's due to their job, walking in all weather.So they prefer ventilated legs!

Azure_Sky profile image

Our postman is a sweet little man. George barks to let me know he's there. He has a special bark for him. He has another bark for relatives, And one for strangers.

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