To Huggs.: After your message went and... - Lung Conditions C...

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To Huggs.

3 Replies

After your message went and looked at the photo where you. Lovely. We are lucky to have beautiful viewsfrom our front windows. Unfortunately, they are going to build a by pass 60 metres from our house on an embankment. Going on four years, cannot sell which we need to do as I need less housework. I sincerely hope things get better for you. Views like that are uplifting Love KatieJJ.

3 Replies
huggs profile image

Hi Katie,

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, which is due to a mixture of health and computer problems.

I am fortunate to live where I do, although I have to say, it didn't just happen. I was at a crossroads in my life and to cut a long story short decided to move here without knowing a soul, with the thought that if it didn't work out, I could leave. That was 24 years ago, so I reckon it has worked.

I love nature, and looking out the window is always calming and peaceful to me.

I am sorry they are spoiling your view with a by pass, that must be terrible, and I hope you can manage to sell at some point, and then choose where you want to be. Hope you are feeling better today.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

in reply to huggs

Hi Huggs, Thanks for your message. It meant a lot to me. Forgive me if I have got it wrong I think you are going to hospital Christmas Eve re your neck. I hope you get some pain relief. I sympathise when I broke my sternum inApril spiralled down the stairs twice 5" gash at back of head so I did back front and sides (It did not knock any sense into me, unfortunately!) The pain in my neck is terrible, sternum a little better but not good for doing physio to get the mucous up. I am all bent now! I think luck goes in stages. My husband was driving a few weeks ago (nightime) hit BT manhole cover (hundreds pounds damage to car. Insurance letter arrived this morning neither Highways or BT are liable because road was inspected a month before. The cover had prongs sticking up. Anyway, we are lucky we could have been more seriously hurt.Anyway, thanks Huggs.

I wish everybody a happy Christmas (especially people on their own) and a healthier 2015.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi katie,

A broken sternum? That must have been really painful, and especially with all the coughing that you have to do. Glad it is feeling a little better, but are suffering with your neck pains also. Is it muscular spasms in your neck, or did you do some damage to it at the time.?

It hasn't been a good year for you all round, so I expect you will be glad to see the back of it. With your husband's recent car accident, it is so typical of insurance companies to try and wriggle out of claims. I think they do it as a matter of course, just to put people off, but if I were you I would not let that one go. It is someone's responsibility, and by their own admission the road was inspected one month before, so wasn't it inspected properly then? If the cause of the accident was the manhole cover, then it is whoever put it there that is responsible. Luckily on this occasion it was the car that got the damage, and not you or your husband, but you must have got a fright.

Yes I am going to hospital on the mainland, weather and patient transport permitting to get injections in my neck and back of head. I really need this done asap, but because I have to be admitted, ( normal procedure) for this to the day surgery unit, so that you can be observed for a while, or admitted if there are complications I am now wondering whether I should go. If something was not straight forward and they had to admit me, then I would not get out until boxing day at the earliest due to ferries not running!!! No way, do I want to be stuck 'inside' at Christmas time.!!! lol On the whole, I don't suppose there is much chance of anything going wrong, or they would have emphasised it more, so its best to get it done I think. Thats if patient transport does not cancel it tomorrow, as they have a habit of doing.

I hope they can do something for your pain, but this procedure being done on my neck and head is for neuralgia, which sometimes works and sometimes does not, and you can only ever have three.

i hope you have a lovely and peaceful Christmas, and you manage to get pain free as well. Hope the infection clears up soon too.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xx :)

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