This forum has grown to almost 10,000 people. Do you all known each other there in the UK? You guys have lots of friends, just thinking.
Friends: This forum has grown to almost... - Lung Conditions C...

Consider that the title page of this Community states "One person in five in the UK is affected by a lung disease" and that the population of the UK is apx 63 millions. This should mean that there is a potential 12.6 million sufferers. So the chances of us knowing fellow sufferers who are not members is even higher.
In reality my guess is that such statistics play no role though. There definitely are members who do know one another. There are also others who meet here on - line first and then in the real world subsequently.
Only this week two members, unknown to each other, met at an hospital clinic and only after talking discovered that each were members of this Community. I am sure that this is not an uncommon way that members discover each other.
It certainly is a wonderfully friendly Community and certainly not limited by national barriers. People share support and experience, hopes and fears, comfort and encouragement all in equal measure with fellow Brits, ex-pats, and foreign nationals. People are as likely to drop in for a chat with an understanding fellow traveller, as they are to post a message asking for actual help with a lung disease.
I especially love that North Americans visit here as I, like many here, sleep badly. When there are no UK members posting I can often talk with wide awake Americans and Canadians.
Lovely post Rib, and I was 1 of the lucky members who met last week Love Sheila Xx

Thank you Sheila.
that's me, live right in the middle of america in minnesota. but do not get to post on here as often as I would sometime like, I am still on the road alot so still keeping busy with emphsema (mild)
As far as I know I have never met anybody on this site, but they are all dear friends, we are all there for each other. The best bunch ever. xxx
Wonder if everyone knows the queen as well?
(with due respect to her, I think she belongs to another forum!)
Lol...nice one!
I know her very well - she and the family came round for lunch the other day x
Hope you got the best china out then...did she bring that funny old bloke with her? Lol
Yeah but I had to give him my best bib x
Like mustcarryon I have not met any other followers but I enjoy reading others comments, as then I realise that what I got is small compared to what others have to deal with and when I am down someone on here will lift me back on track, and then I can carry on smiling. Fred
I will say this is the most friendly forum that I am on by far. And respect the fact that we all have opinions some we do not all agree with and "agree to differ"
Be Well
Ours is a very lonely desease,heavy breathing annoys most non sufferers and the coughing is seen as unsociable.I have one friend I see maybe twice a year.Rest of the time I talk to very few people.On HU most of the people are marvellous and I consider many to be good friends that I would love to meet personally.I,m so glad I found this site,it,s been my lifeline many times,so thank you all very much!D.
I agree with you Farmer, this is truly a social network. I too live partly on my own, as my wife is being moved to a nursing care home because she is still affected by bipolar. so for me, instead of moping around, I come here and see if htere's soem frined to help. that feels really good!
You summed up the site and all our friends on here beautifully Farmer xxx
Hi Farmer, it hit home to me today what a lonely disease this can be, my daughter, daughter in law and her Mother are off to have afternoon tea at the Ritz, whilst i am looking after the dog! Just made me realise that they did'nt ask me, not unkindly they automatically knew there was no way i could go. But hey ho here i am in the warm talking to my big HU family! Like you i feel blessed to have found this site. Love Sheila Xx
I have met people face-to-face after meeting them on here. It is good to make new friends.
Nicely put rib, I would feel lost now without the support and friends I've made on here, i do have a friend I met at rehab but not from this site, 1st thing in the morning, last thing at night, u've all become my huge security blanket, and that I thank u all for . Take care x Sonia x

keep warm under your blanket, Sonia
By the way, have you tried a silk duvet. I have and it's really gorgeous! There might be some free here!
Ooooh mic, what u suggesting lol , might do silk in the summer but it's defo a fleece for now. And how's u doing hope ur well. X Sonia x

Sonia, Silk is warm in winter and cool in summer. There's a shop that specialises in sil, smalls, duvets pillows etc. I bought mine ofr £160. I'm realy happy with the luscious feeling I get from it. I have 2 duvets for very cold winters. but I haven't used both yet this winter.
I had forgotten to put my bin out. just did that, and I too have put a fleece on due to the shock of the outside. Have a lovely evening in the warmth of your nest!
Thanks mic, and u stay warm, in a fleece or silk , I'm afraid I couldn't afford silk would have to make do with cheap satin lol. Xx Sonia xx

Mm! silk! Love it! Wool's the next best thing. I have accumulated quite a lot of woollies. so when it's cold, I can put two of them over me!
Have never met anyone from the site in person to my knowledge, but when I do meet fellow sufferers I sometimes wonder if they are on the site like myself. But I do feel we are a close knit group on here of regulars who sort of know each other from regular discussions on site.Plus the added perk of extra support from the group even though it is continually growing in size. We are all friends together on line just like any face to face group and for some who are housebound it is another way to make friends.
You're right is a total boon to people like myself who are virtually housebound...mind you it's so cold today I don't care about not going out!

It is still bitterly cold today to spite the sunshine, so your in the best place today also, home snug and warm I hope Vashti xx
Lots from the US on here too!! I found this to be the most helpful forum anywhere and I appreciate you all..
I see this forum and the people on it my extended family but with more understanding. The people on hear are all ready to help you when you are in need and when you are at your lowest there will always be someone on hear you can talk to I will always come on hear before going to my GP. Like Farmer says this is a lonely disease and has a bigger impact on your life than many long term conditions.
Hi tvernstrom we are growing so quickly has more than doubled this past year.I recommend all the time also got my docs to put something on their notice board and asked the resp nurses to mention to new lung sufferers.Arnt we lucky to have here. Blessings Janexx
I would love to see a list of members, but probably too many names. Some leave for different reasons, only to be replaced by equally great people. So good to have a jaw on a winter evening xxx
I agree this is a great site and we need to make sure it stays this way. I remember a couple of times in the past when we have had trouble in here due to several 'argumentative' people who didn't like some things on the site (and some people) and caused a lot of hassle. Thankfully they have long gone now. It is down to all of us who love and value this place to ensure that it remains a great support network and advice centre for all of us who need it and all those to come. A place where we might disagree with something or someone but respect the right for others to have their their own views and being able to deal with it as adults.
Long may it continue. x
Hear hear...!
Even if we never meet, it seems as if we are all united on this forum and "know" each other in some way. I for one consider myself to be very fortunate in finding this amazing site because, as a carer, it can be a bit of a struggle at times. It is nice to know that neither Pete nor myself are alone. I find the people on here caring, helpful, supportive and inspiring and wish the best for everyone. xxxxxx
It's truly wonderful to feel the friendship and support that we all have for one another here. As far as I know I haven't met anyone from our community but would welcome the possibility if the option was there