How Can Anyone Be 'Bored'... - Lung Conditions C...

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How Can Anyone Be 'Bored'...

20 Replies

That horrible black cloud is moving away thank goodness...thank you all for your reassuring's nasty enough to be thinking how to breathe without having to suffer from an over whelming feeling of doom and gloom...!

I don't know how many of you have an account on FaceAche...both Himself and I do because it's often the only way we can find out what our Grandchildren and Great Grand children are doing...writing letters to Grandparents seems to be something that happened in the Dark Ages...!

But it does so make me want to scream and kick something when someone announces they are 'Bored'...what kind of a word is 'Bored' when its at home...they aren't little children either. They are supposedly adults, with homes and children of their own...but they don't do anything. They don't bake a cake or unravel an old sweater to knit a scarf or go for a walk or pick Blackberries and make a pie...they don't seem to ever read a book or make some dough from flour and glue for the children to play with or search on-line for free courses to learn something new or dig the garden over to grow veggies or plant up some pots with brightly coloured flowers...

Oh, they watch soap operas on television and celebrity shows full of slightly vacant people who once had their fifteen minutes of fame and they could probably name all the contestants on some vile reality T.V. programme but they are bored...and they announce it to the entire world of Facebook as though it is something to be proud of...

I am never ever bored...there are books to read and crochet afghan's to be made and a jumper to be knitted and the free course I'm doing about the First World War and then there is Ancestry to delve into and music to play and all the instructional videos on YouTube to watch...making crocheted flowers and how to breathe properly and step by careful step for knitting and patchwork and I write a daily blog and explore ancient burial grounds, when weather and breathing permits, and I do the crossword in the paper and take photographs and talk to my donkeys...and give them ginger nut biscuits, 'cos those are their favourites, along with squashy pears.

Now I do have two granddaughters who are old souls...they live on the edge of the Artic circle in northern Sweden and they are never bored...already writers and poets at the ages of fifteen and thirteen and fluent in Swedish, Irish and English...but Freya and Ellie are the exceptions.

I doubt they'd know the word 'bored'...Freya seems to spend a great deal of time butchering Moose with her beloved Pa for the freezer...Ellie drifts about in a haze of words and paintings...

It is so sad, is it not, to find life be incapable of entertaining oneself, to be surrounded by a rich wealth of nature and easily accessible reach the age of thirty or thereabouts and find the only possible words to put on your timeline are...'I'm Bored'

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20 Replies

I so agree with you - I tell my children this is your life - you don't want to get the pearly gates with the admission that you spent your precious life bored!!! My youngest complained of boredom - so are now swimming on the "boring" night! My son is so active Bd keeps himself busy at uni - no lazy life for him or boring ! Keep yourself busy my friend and take care of yourself xxxx

in reply to

St Peter wouldn't let them in if they announced life was

dall05 profile image

My 18 year old son came down the stairs on Tuesday and announced that he was bored. His girl friend is at uni in London, all his friends are now working in jobs where their hours vary from week to week and he

does the same, so its difficult for them to all meet up but at the end of the day that's life ain't it. I said your fit and healthy, your learning to drive, you have a 39 inch TV in your bedroom, a X Box, a lap top, an i phone, you could join a club of some kind, take up a hobby etc etc, He just groaned and trudged back up the stairs.

Whats the matter with the kids of today eh', they have so much more to do than we ever had but they don't seem to have the get up and go to make the most of it do they.


in reply to dall05

You are so right Tony!

DozyDormouse profile image

As a teacher I never had a chance to be bored. It was not a job but a way of life. I wondered how I would cope after coming out of hospital and living life attached to an oxygen line.

I' m still not bored. I have my knitting, reading, puzzles, painting, dogs, text friends and best of all my hubby who gives me tasks.

My daughter has no time to be bored. A busy pub landlady.

What was the saying? The devil makes work for idle hands.

Dozy :) xxx

in reply to DozyDormouse

I was a nurse Dozy and like you with teaching, it wasn't a job so much as a way of life...I think this part of our lives is simply another way of living...

knitter profile image

I have to admit that "I am bored" was often my complaint when I was a child and a teenager....I remember when each hour seemed like a day. Now each day seems like a minute and there is always plenty to do ...even if it's just staring out of the window looking at the garden.....I am not bored, even on a Sunday when I can get a bit down.

Like Vashti I find you tube a source of ideas, I have knitted hundreds of hats for charity and crocheted blankets from donated wool, it's finding a purpose in life I think.

in reply to knitter

Do you remember...I think it was Hancocks Half Hour on the episode was about how bored he was on a Sunday afternoon...that might be on Youtube'd make you laugh and then you wouldn't feel so down on

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to

Here 'tis....

in reply to Dmactds

Thank you ever so much....I thought it probably was on YouTube but hadn't looked first...

eightyplus profile image

Hello vashti !

People Bored!!!

What nonsense, your reply alone offered so many reasons to explain why we don't have time to be bored . . . . . every breath that I take or smile I see and sound that I hear means that I am alive.

Sometimes that isn't enough for those that have suffered too much, that is where we come in reach out sharing whatever we have to those most in need.

I will continue to go to sleep at night wondering is this the last? but hopefully awaken next morning, reach over to my wife and enjoy whatever the day will offer and there is one thing that it certainly will not be, and that is 'BORING.'

in reply to eightyplus

You've hit the nail on the head eightyplus...! May you have many more years yet to come xxx

Dragonmum profile image

It's not all the kids' fault; my generation (lost in the mists of time since we were kids) were "sent out to play" by parents who had not been exposed to the incessant publicity surrounding paedophiles etc, so were fairly confident we'd come back hours later happy and exhausted. Very little money was spent on us, but they gave us something far more precious - their time, what could be spared of it! Books were a magic portal into unknown worlds and a gateway to knowledge - our curiosity took care of the rest. Television could have been a real force for good - in the early days the children's telly was brilliant; hour-long episodes of classics like "Box of Delights" - now it's just 15 minute snippets of mindless cartoons -is it any wonder that kids have the attention-span of gnats? I think my parents would have found a swift cure for boredom had I ever suffered from it - extra chores! The world is such a complex and beguiling place and life is all too short to explore more than a fraction of the possibilities - how can anyone be bored?

in reply to Dragonmum

But these people who endlessly complain about being bored are adults! And they have their health...not sure about having any wits mind

Dmactds profile image

If one is 'bored'...., it simply means that THEY are boring.

End of story.

in reply to Dmactds wouldn't want to be talking to them...not if they were yawning and saying they were 'bored'

Gilliannie profile image

Boredom can have a clinical problem behind it. I notice that most of you who are "not bored" ever are in a relationship and have family. I am bored to tears right at this point of writing. I have no enthusiasm for anything. I just fiddle around on the computer, take my dog for a walk, smile and have a laugh with everyone (people think I am the life and soul of the party) then when I am on my own I take my smile off and sink yet again. Yes I do dust myself off often and get back up and enjoy some days. Personally I cannot say that my life has been bad so why am I bored? Who knows but at 55 and still single, over sensitive and no mother and father anymore it all seems a little lonely. You see I can help anyone get out of their "bored" or "depressive" state but when it comes down to kicking myself up the bum.................... does not work. So good on you all that have a well balanced level of seritonin in your brain (the happy chemical) but for some of us it is just not like that. And yes I am on anti-depressants.

in reply to Gilliannie

Oh Gilliannie, I'm so sorry you feel that you perhaps think a change of your meds might help a little? If you've been taking them for ages, the effects may not be as good as they could be...

Love Vashti

Gilliannie profile image
Gilliannie in reply to

Its OK - it will pass but thank you for replying. I will not put the tablets up as when I was on the higher dose it gave me awful migraines and I put on a lot of weight as I craved carborhydrates and sugar. I have acupuncture and tuning fork therapy usually but just waiting for some pennies coming in. Tomorrow is a new day and I am a bit hard on myself sometimes :0)

All the very best - G

in reply to Gilliannie

Take care Gilliannie...wishing you all you wish for yourself. xx

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