Hi, Latest good news from Wendells.... - Lung Conditions C...

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Hi, Latest good news from Wendells....

huggs profile image
37 Replies

Hi Everyone,

I am delighted to tell you that I have had another message from Wendells, and is sounding as chirpy as a bird this morning. lol Really she truly is.

She told me she has slowly read her way through all your messages, and says you are all "grand". Wen has been chatting about current affairs, and how hot it is in Brisbane, ( just trying to make us all jealous I think, ha ha). She also had a good laugh ( I knew she would) at my short posts!

Wen also said she cannot wait until she gets home to her own bed, and is generally asking how everyone is.

The really excellent news is: Wait for it, ..........drum roll................... you will soon be hearing from the lady herself!! Isn't that fantastic?

I am not going to thank you all again, as I sure you are all fed up hearing from me about our friend, so will let Wen do that within the next day or maybe two.

Typically, Wen is worrying about everyone else, as well as me. I have told her I am fine, but did explain my kitchen crisis, which has been resolved, and what Felix had been up to.

So that is the news today, and I couldn't wait to tell you. She has made a lot of progress in the last week, and getting her head together. Wish I could. ha ha.

Hope you are all doing okay too.

lots of hugs from Huggs xxxx

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huggs profile image
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37 Replies

YEAH!!!! Fantastic news - so pleased to hear it and soooooooo jealous of the hot weather!!! xxx

RibvanRey profile image

Wonderful news and [[ hugs ]] to both you and Wendells.

BTW I can't stand the warmth. I love it when it is cold and drizzling with rain :-(

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to RibvanRey

Hi Rib,

Thanks for the hugs. I don't like the heat either, never have done. A little is aright, but since having lung disorders, the heat makes breathing harder, a lot harder.

You'd like the weather today where I am Rib. There is a storm coming in later, so now it is grey skies, a slightly chilly east wind and drizzling rain. It is to be much worse later on, which will not be so good as the wind gets to you.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxxx

RibvanRey profile image
RibvanRey in reply to huggs

I have the wind now. :-/

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to RibvanRey

Oh dear, sorry cannot remember the remedy for having wind, offhand!! LOL

Only kidding Rib. xxx hugs from Huggs

in reply to RibvanRey

I much prefer the cold too :)

pollyjj profile image

So pleased to hear GOOD NEWS about Wendells, hope she is not going to push herself too much, takes it easy and lets someone else take the strain. Understand what she says about getting back to her own bed, no good trying to rest in noisy hospitals.

Really looking forward to when she is well enough to come back.

Take Care Wendells, and Thank You Huggs.

polly xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to pollyjj

Hi polly,

You are welcome polly, and I have urged her not to rush things too much, and if she doesn't feel up to posting, then leave it until she does, as we all understand.

Hospitals are really no places to rest though, but it is always a good sign when someone cannot wait to get home. I have also said that I hope something will be in place, in terms of help , when she does get home.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

carmwoman profile image
carmwoman in reply to pollyjj

Well I dont live far from Wendell, and I am pleased to hear she will be back on the board soon, she was very kind to me.

Improvement of health for everyone,


huggs profile image
huggs in reply to carmwoman

Hi carmwoman,

Sorry, for not replying before. For some reason I just didn't see your post. You will have seen by now that she has posted herself now, which is excellent news. That's really nice that you live near each other, and Wen is always helpful if possible.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

carmwoman profile image
carmwoman in reply to huggs

Thankyou so much for your reply Huggs.........I am pleased that everyone is careing about Wendell, she seems like a lovely person.

Fond regards,


O2Trees profile image

Truly wonderful news huggs. And thanks for your quite short post ;) ;)

You take care :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to O2Trees

LOL you are welcome O2, and glad you like my short posts. ha ha. :)

You take care too.

hugs from Huggs xxx

sassy59 profile image

What fantastic news Huggs. It has made my day! It will be nice to hear from Wendells herself when she is ready and feels like posting again but you have done a superb job on her behalf. Lots of love and take care you and Wendells too of course. xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy,

Yes, it really is fantastic news, and I am glad your day has been made, it made mine too. You are more than welcome, for the updates, and am happy to do it. If Wen manages to post herself, it will make a lot of people's days. She will be able to tell you herself how she is, and thank you all personally for your support and pm's. Sorry, if this sounds a bit disjointed, as I begin to flag around this time.

You take care too,

lots of love and hugs,

Huggs xxxx :) :)

brilliant news :) :) :) :) :)

Louisiana profile image

Thanks Huggs and Hello to you and Wendell :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Louisiana

Hi Louisiana,

You are welcome, and hope you are doing ok. Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxxx

pergola1 profile image

Excellent - think I will write a newst note to Wendells once she is back in circulation. xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to pergola1

Hi pergola,

I am sure she would love that. How are you and your husband today, if you don't mind me asking. If you don't want to talk about it, I fully understand. You take care now,

hugs from Huggs xxx

ps I was wondering if it might be best to wait until Wen has posted a couple of times before you get in touch. Maybe you will have to play it by ear, as only you know your situation best, and you can see for yourself how Wen seems when she posts. Her first post will be a general one of thanks to everyone, and after that .........we will just have to wait and see. Hope you don't mind me saying that, and of course it is entirely up to you. xx

oh i wish i sounded as chirpy as a bird on a morning ...i sound more like a chicken getting choked x x x x x x

huggs profile image

LOL Me too, or maybe more of a turkey!! Its easy to sound as chirpy as a bird on a keyboard though. I can do that.

Hope you are doing alright these days and just soldiering on as per usual.

We are having a lovely wild storm right now, and it is so cosy lying on my couch now, listening to the wind howling and rain lashing the window.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxxx

butter-fly profile image

Sound like the gal is well on her way Huggs. Don't recommend any marathons for a while though!

Weather is far too hot! Love and best wishes to her.

Sara xx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Hurry back Wen. We need your jokes ! :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Puffthemagicdragon

Hi Puff,

I second that! :) :)

hugs from Huggs xxx

huggs profile image

Hi butter-fly,

Yes it does sound like it, but I just hope she doesn't over do things. However, it will do her good to be amongst us all again, and she has read all the replies to the posts I emm, er posted (LOL) so she has been able to catch up with what has been going on to a certain extent.

Weather is too hot for me to,

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

1968 profile image

Good to hear that, pass on my good wishes xxx


huggs profile image
huggs in reply to 1968

Hi David,

Hoping you can do that yourself, but if not then I certainly will.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

jimmyw123 profile image

thanks for the good news huggs, it'll be great to have her back and posting, she will know we are all thing of her,,,,,in the warm :)

hopen to hear from you soon wendells, a big thanks to huggs

kindest regards,,,jimmy :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to jimmyw123

Hi Jimmy,

You are welcome, and big hugs to you as well, hopefully Wen has already posted or will do shortly or later today, or tomorrow.

Hope you are ok Jimmy, I saw a post from you last night but was too tired to read it, but will catch up with you later.

love and hugs, from Huggs xxx

mustcarryon profile image

Fantastic news. I've missed her jokes so much. Tell her not to mention the weather, do not want to know. Can you feel the intensity of my green eyes piercing through?

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to mustcarryon

Hi mustcarryon

I can, but I do not really like the heat, so Wen is welcome to it!! lol Have a storm going on here, into its second day now. ha ha

hugs from Huggs xxxx

mustcarryon profile image
mustcarryon in reply to huggs

I don't really like the heat, it doesn't suit me at all, however, just the thought of warmth and sunshine is better than the damp cold dark nights we have to look forward to. xxxx

peege profile image

That's the best news. :D

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to peege

Hi Peeg,

I agree!!!

hugs from Huggs


FarmerD profile image

Thanks for the update Huggs,I,m not jealous of Wends lovely warm weather no really I,m really really not jealous not at all lol.

huggs profile image

Hi Farmer,

You are welcome for the update. Wen posted herself this morning, so hope you have seen that.

So pleased you are not jealous about the weather, really pleased. :) :d

What is that solid green bar covering your post all about then.? LOL

The heat goes for me, big time though, although a little shitting in the shade is fine. I can handle that ok.

How are you doing. I haven't caught up really with everyone yet, as I was absent for about two months, and on my return Wen went MIA so that and other situations, including my own have taken up much of my time.

Hope you are doing okay. I will catch up with what has been happening to you later. :)

hugs from Huggs xxxx

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